Click on selected rows to see the roots' most common words.

The Ultimate Arabic News Dataset is a corpus of 193,000 Arabic-language news texts comprising 7.3 million words, published by Ahmed Hashim Al-Dulaimi in 2022. The articles are divided into 10 categories: culture, economy, sport, politics, art, society, technology, medicine, religion, and other.

The 500 most common roots in the Ultimate Arabic News Dataset are as follows:

Rank Root Trans. Usually denotes Root type Frequency Cumulative freq.
1 ك و ن k-w-n being, existence hollow 1.36% 1.36%
2 ج م ع j-m-‘a gathering sound 1.07% 2.43%
3 ع ل م ‘a-l-m knowledge sound 1.05% 3.48%
4 س ل م s-l-m peace, Islam sound 0.94% 4.42%
5 ق و ل q-w-l speaking hollow 0.87% 5.29%
6 ء ل ه ’a-l-h God hamzated 0.87% 6.16%
7 ع م ل ‘a-m-l work sound 0.87% 7.03%
8 د و ر d-w-r turn, role hollow 0.74% 7.77%
9 ب ي ن b-y-n (various) hollow 0.72% 8.49%
10 ح و ل H-w-l trying, transforming hollow 0.67% 9.16%
11 ق ب ل q-b-l (various) sound 0.6% 9.76%
12 ب ع د b-‘a-d after, far sound 0.58% 10.3%
13 ب ن ي b-n-y children defective 0.56% 10.9%
14 ع د د ‘a-d-d number, counting geminate 0.55% 11.4%
15 ك ل ل k-l-l every, all geminate 0.54% 11.9%
16 ء م ر ’a-m-r princes, ordering hamzated 0.53% 12.5%
17 ش ر ك sh-r-k participation sound 0.53% 13.0%
18 ق د م q-d-m (various) sound 0.51% 13.5%
19 ح ق ق H-q-q truth, rights geminate 0.5% 14.0%
20 ء خ ر ’a-kh-r following, other, last hamzated 0.49% 14.5%
21 ق و م q-w-m (various) hollow 0.49% 15.0%
22 ع و م ‘a-w-m years hollow 0.46% 15.5%
23 و ح د w-H-d the number one, unity assimilated 0.45% 15.9%
24 د و ل d-w-l state hollow 0.45% 16.4%
25 ر ء س r-’a-s heads hamzated 0.45% 16.8%
26 ء و ل ’a-w-l first hollow, hamzated 0.44% 17.2%
27 ك ت ب k-t-b writing sound 0.44% 17.7%
28 ح د ث H-d-th event, to happen sound 0.43% 18.1%
29 ي و م y-w-m days assimilated, hollow 0.42% 18.5%
30 و ج ه w-j-h faces assimilated 0.41% 18.9%
31 ع ر ض ‘a-r-D (various) sound 0.4% 19.3%
32 ع ل و ‘a-l-w being high or exalted defective 0.4% 19.7%
33 خ ل ل kh-l-l during, disturbance geminate 0.4% 20.1%
34 خ ص ص kh-S-S special, expertise geminate 0.39% 20.5%
35 ث ن ي th-n-y the number two, exception defective 0.39% 20.9%
36 و ق ع w-q-‘a location assimilated 0.39% 21.3%
37 ك ث ر k-th-r plentifulness sound 0.38% 21.7%
38 و ص ل w-S-l arriving assimilated 0.37% 22.1%
39 ج د د j-d-d being new geminate 0.37% 22.4%
40 ك ب ر k-b-r being big sound 0.37% 22.8%
41 م ث ل m-th-l similarity sound 0.37% 23.2%
42 ح م د H-m-d praise sound 0.36% 23.5%
43 ح ك م H-k-m power, judging sound 0.36% 23.9%
44 ن ف س n-f-s the soul, self sound 0.35% 24.2%
45 غ ي ر gh-y-r difference, negation hollow 0.35% 24.6%
46 ء م ن ’a-m-n security, trust hamzated 0.35% 24.9%
47 ع ب ر ‘a-b-r crossing sound 0.35% 25.3%
48 ش ك ل sh-k-l formation sound 0.35% 25.6%
49 ت م م t-m-m completion geminate 0.35% 26.0%
50 ح ي ي H-y-y life geminate, hollow, defective 0.35% 26.3%
51 ع ر ب ‘a-r-b Arabs sound 0.35% 26.7%
52 ض ي ف D-y-f guests hollow 0.35% 27.0%
53 ف ن ن f-n-n art, specialty geminate 0.34% 27.4%
54 خ ل ف kh-l-f difference, following sound 0.34% 27.7%
55 غ ر ب gh-r-b West sound 0.34% 28.1%
56 ن ظ م n-DH-m organization sound 0.33% 28.4%
57 ء م م ’a-m-m mothers, nations geminate, hamzated 0.32% 28.7%
58 ص د ر S-d-r putting out, exporting sound 0.31% 29.0%
59 ع و د ‘a-w-d returning hollow 0.3% 29.3%
60 ن ت ج n-t-j results, output sound 0.3% 29.6%
61 ع ر ف ‘a-r-f knowledge sound 0.3% 29.9%
62 ص ح ح S-H-H correctness, health geminate 0.29% 30.2%
63 ش ر ع sh-r-‘a (various) sound 0.29% 30.5%
64 س م و s-m-w names, height defective 0.29% 30.8%
65 ث ق ف th-q-f culture sound 0.29% 31.1%
66 خ ر ج kh-r-j leaving sound 0.29% 31.4%
67 س ع د s-‘a-d happiness, help sound 0.28% 31.7%
68 ر ك ز r-k-z concentration sound 0.28% 31.9%
69 خ د م kh-d-m serving, using sound 0.28% 32.2%
70 د خ ل d-kh-l entering sound 0.27% 32.5%
71 ذ ك ر dh-k-r memory, masculinity sound 0.27% 32.8%
72 ص ل و S-l-w prayer defective 0.27% 33.0%
73 ش ع ر sh-‘a-r feelings, poetry sound 0.27% 33.3%
74 ق ر ر q-r-r decisions geminate 0.27% 33.6%
75 ق ض ي q-D-y (various) defective 0.27% 33.8%
76 م ر ر m-r-r passing, continuing geminate 0.27% 34.1%
77 ز ي د z-y-d increasing hollow 0.26% 34.4%
78 ب ح ث b-H-th searching, discussion sound 0.26% 34.6%
79 ر س ل r-s-l message sound 0.26% 34.9%
80 و ج د w-j-d finding assimilated 0.26% 35.1%
81 ث ل ث th-l-th the number three sound 0.26% 35.4%
82 ش و ر sh-w-r consultation, indication hollow 0.25% 35.7%
83 م ر ض m-r-D sickness sound 0.25% 35.9%
84 س و ي s-w-y being straight or level hollow, defective 0.25% 36.2%
85 ح د د H-d-d limits, stopping, intensity geminate 0.25% 36.4%
86 ب ل غ b-l-gh reaching, attaining sound 0.25% 36.7%
87 ش خ ص sh-kh-S people sound 0.24% 36.9%
88 ن ه ي n-h-y ending defective 0.24% 37.1%
89 ج ن ب j-n-b sides, avoiding sound 0.24% 37.4%
90 ف ر ق f-r-q difference sound 0.24% 37.6%
91 ن س ب n-s-b genealogy, descent sound 0.24% 37.9%
92 ء ن س ’a-n-s humans hamzated 0.24% 38.1%
93 س ب ق s-b-q preceding sound 0.24% 38.3%
94 ء ح د ’a-H-d one, unity hamzated 0.24% 38.6%
95 ط ل ب T-l-b requesting, demanding sound 0.24% 38.8%
96 ب ع ض b-‘a-D some sound 0.24% 39.1%
97 د ر س d-r-s studying sound 0.24% 39.3%
98 ن ط ق n-T-q pronouncing sound 0.24% 39.5%
99 ح ل ل H-l-l (various) geminate 0.24% 39.8%
100 ز و ج z-w-j marriage hollow 0.24% 40.0%
101 م د د m-d-d extent geminate 0.24% 40.3%
102 ه د ف h-d-f goals sound 0.23% 40.5%
103 ف ع ل f-‘a-l doing, actions sound 0.23% 40.7%
104 س ب ب s-b-b reasons geminate 0.23% 40.9%
105 ء ك د ’a-k-d confirmation hamzated 0.23% 41.2%
106 ط ب ب T-b-b health geminate 0.23% 41.4%
107 و ل ي w-l-y being in charge, following assimilated, defective 0.23% 41.6%
108 ن ظ ر n-DH-r seeing, looking sound 0.23% 41.9%
109 و ض ع w-D-‘a situation, subjects assimilated 0.23% 42.1%
110 ب د ء b-d-’a beginning hamzated 0.22% 42.3%
111 ع ل ق ‘a-l-q connections sound 0.22% 42.5%
112 ق د ر q-d-r amount, power sound 0.22% 42.8%
113 م د ن m-d-n cities sound 0.22% 43.0%
114 و ز ر w-z-r ministers assimilated 0.22% 43.2%
115 ء س س ’a-s-s founding geminate, hamzated 0.22% 43.4%
116 س ي ر s-y-r moving hollow 0.22% 43.6%
117 ح م ل H-m-l carrying sound 0.22% 43.9%
118 ش ه ر sh-h-r months sound 0.22% 44.1%
119 ح ض ر H-D-r presence, civilization sound 0.21% 44.3%
120 و ف ق w-f-q agreement assimilated 0.21% 44.5%
121 ط ل ق T-l-q release sound 0.21% 44.7%
122 و ق ف w-q-f stopping, standing assimilated 0.21% 44.9%
123 م ل ك m-l-k kings sound 0.21% 45.1%
124 د ي ن d-y-n religion, debt hollow 0.21% 45.3%
125 ر ب ع r-b-‘a the number four sound 0.21% 45.5%
126 ش ه د sh-h-d witnessing sound 0.2% 45.7%
127 م ض ي m-D-y the past defective 0.2% 45.9%
128 س ء ل s-’a-l questions hamzated 0.2% 46.1%
129 ر ء ي r-’a-y seeing, opinions defective, hamzated 0.2% 46.3%
130 خ ب ر kh-b-r news, expertise sound 0.2% 46.5%
131 ظ ه ر DH-h-r appearance sound 0.2% 46.7%
132 ع ب د ‘a-b-d servants, worship sound 0.2% 46.9%
133 و ط ن w-T-n nations, citizenship assimilated 0.2% 47.1%
134 س ن و s-n-w years defective 0.19% 47.3%
135 ع ن ي ‘a-n-y meaning, suffering defective 0.19% 47.5%
136 ع م ر ‘a-m-r (various) sound 0.19% 47.7%
137 ج و ز j-w-z permitting hollow 0.19% 47.9%
138 ت ب ع t-b-‘a following sound 0.19% 48.1%
139 ع ق د ‘a-q-d signing sound 0.19% 48.3%
140 ق ص د q-S-d economy, intentions sound 0.19% 48.5%
141 ن ق ل n-q-l moving, transportation sound 0.19% 48.7%
142 ر ف ع r-f-‘a raising sound 0.19% 48.9%
143 ص و ر S-w-r pictures hollow 0.19% 49.0%
144 ص ل ح S-l-H upright, reform sound 0.19% 49.2%
145 ل ق ي l-q-y meeting defective 0.19% 49.4%
146 ه م م h-m-m importance, concern geminate 0.19% 49.6%
147 ق ر ء q-r-’a reading hamzated 0.19% 49.8%
148 د ع و d-‘a-w invitation, call to prayer defective 0.18% 50.0%
149 ك ش ف k-sh-f uncovering sound 0.18% 50.2%
150 خ ي ر kh-y-r good, better hollow 0.18% 50.3%
151 ض م ن D-m-n being within, including sound 0.18% 50.5%
152 ج و ل j-w-l wandering, areas hollow 0.18% 50.7%
153 ء ل ف ’a-l-f the number 1,000 hamzated 0.18% 50.9%
154 ج ل س j-l-s sitting sound 0.18% 51.1%
155 ط ر ق T-r-q roads, ways sound 0.18% 51.2%
156 و ق ت w-q-t time assimilated 0.18% 51.4%
157 ن و س n-w-s people, mankind hollow 0.18% 51.6%
158 ب ل د b-l-d countries sound 0.18% 51.8%
159 ن ش ر n-sh-r publishing sound 0.18% 52.0%
160 ء ث ر ’a-th-r effect, influence hamzated 0.17% 52.1%
161 ج ر ي j-r-y occurring defective 0.17% 52.3%
162 ف ض ل f-D-l preference, superiority sound 0.17% 52.5%
163 ق ر ب q-r-b proximity sound 0.17% 52.6%
164 و ل د w-l-d parents, childbirth assimilated 0.17% 52.8%
165 س ر ح s-r-H releasing, theater sound 0.17% 53.0%
166 ر ح ل r-H-l leaving, expelling sound 0.17% 53.2%
167 ح س ب H-s-b according to sound 0.17% 53.3%
168 ط ف ل T-f-l children sound 0.16% 53.5%
169 ص ب ح S-b-H becoming, morning sound 0.16% 53.6%
170 ق و ي q-w-y strength hollow, defective 0.16% 53.8%
171 ق ط ع q-T-‘a cutting sound 0.16% 54.0%
172 ل ع ب l-‘a-b playing sound 0.16% 54.1%
173 د ف ع d-f-‘a pushing, paying sound 0.16% 54.3%
174 ب ر م ج b-r-m-j programs quadriliteral 0.16% 54.4%
175 ع م م ‘a-m-m (various) geminate 0.16% 54.6%
176 ح س ن H-s-n goodness sound 0.15% 54.8%
177 ع د ل ‘a-d-l justice sound 0.15% 54.9%
178 ن و ع n-w-‘a diversity, types hollow 0.15% 55.1%
179 ع ن د ‘a-n-d with, near, has sound 0.15% 55.2%
180 ش ر ط sh-r-T conditions, stipulations sound 0.15% 55.3%
181 و ج ب w-j-b necessity, duty assimilated 0.15% 55.5%
182 ص ح ب S-H-b accompanying sound 0.15% 55.6%
183 ك ر م k-r-m nobility, generosity sound 0.15% 55.8%
184 س و ق s-w-q markets, driving hollow 0.15% 55.9%
185 د و ن d-w-n without, recording hollow 0.15% 56.1%
186 ص و ب S-w-b aiming hollow 0.15% 56.2%
187 ط و ل T-w-l height, length hollow 0.15% 56.4%
188 ن ح و n-H-w towards defective 0.15% 56.5%
189 و ه م w-h-m accusation assimilated 0.15% 56.7%
190 ر ج ل r-j-l men sound 0.14% 56.8%
191 و ض ح w-D-H clarity assimilated 0.14% 57.0%
192 ف ك ر f-k-r ideas sound 0.14% 57.1%
193 م ك ن m-k-n ability, place sound 0.14% 57.3%
194 ع ش ر ‘a-sh-r the number ten, tribes sound 0.14% 57.4%
195 ع ي ن ‘a-y-n eyes hollow 0.14% 57.5%
196 س ع ي s-‘a-y effort, striving defective 0.14% 57.7%
197 خ م س kh-m-s the number five sound 0.14% 57.8%
198 ف ت ح f-t-H opening, conquest sound 0.14% 58.0%
199 غ ن ي gh-n-y songs, wealth defective 0.14% 58.1%
200 ش ي خ sh-y-kh sheikhs, old age hollow 0.14% 58.2%
201 ب ش ر b-sh-r good news, rejoicing sound 0.14% 58.4%
202 ع ل ن ‘a-l-n declaring sound 0.14% 58.5%
203 خ ل ق kh-l-q creation sound 0.14% 58.7%
204 ء ر ض ’a-r-D land hamzated 0.14% 58.8%
205 د ق ق d-q-q precision geminate 0.14% 58.9%
206 ء ب و ’a-b-w fathers defective, hamzated 0.14% 59.1%
207 م و ل m-w-l money hollow 0.13% 59.2%
208 ص ن ع S-n-‘a production sound 0.13% 59.3%
209 ق ت ل q-t-l killing sound 0.13% 59.5%
210 ء د ي ’a-d-y performance, leading defective, hamzated 0.13% 59.6%
211 ن ف ذ n-f-dh implementing, penetrating sound 0.13% 59.7%
212 ق ل ل q-l-l being less then geminate 0.13% 59.9%
213 ط و ر T-w-r development hollow 0.13% 60.0%
214 ء ج ل ’a-j-l delay hamzated 0.13% 60.1%
215 س ب ع s-b-‘a the number seven sound 0.13% 60.3%
216 ر و د r-w-d wanting hollow 0.13% 60.4%
217 ف ي د f-y-d usefulness hollow 0.13% 60.5%
218 ع و ن ‘a-w-n aid, assistance hollow 0.13% 60.6%
219 ش م ل sh-m-l north, containing sound 0.13% 60.8%
220 ح و ج H-w-j need hollow 0.13% 60.9%
221 ع ق ب ‘a-q-b following, punishment sound 0.13% 61.0%
222 خ ط ط kh-T-T drawing, planning geminate 0.12% 61.2%
223 ق و د q-w-d leading hollow 0.12% 61.3%
224 ع ل ج ‘a-l-j treatment sound 0.12% 61.4%
225 ف ر د f-r-d individuals sound 0.12% 61.5%
226 ر و ي r-w-y narration hollow, defective 0.12% 61.6%
227 ش ي ء sh-y-’a things, to will hollow, hamzated 0.12% 61.8%
228 م ص ر m-S-r Egypt sound 0.12% 61.9%
229 ح ص ل H-S-l obtaining sound 0.12% 62.0%
230 ع ز ز ‘a-z-z dear, precious geminate 0.12% 62.1%
231 ج م ل j-m-l beauty sound 0.12% 62.2%
232 ح ف ظ H-f-DH memory sound 0.12% 62.4%
233 ش ف ي sh-f-y healing defective 0.12% 62.5%
234 ن ب ء n-b-’a prophecy, news hamzated 0.12% 62.6%
235 ض ر ر D-r-r coercion, damage geminate 0.12% 62.7%
236 ط ي ر T-y-r flying hollow 0.12% 62.8%
237 ر ب ط r-b-T ties, links sound 0.12% 62.9%
238 ر و ح r-w-H the soul hollow 0.12% 63.1%
239 م ي ز m-y-z distinguishing hollow 0.12% 63.2%
240 و س ط w-s-T being in the middle assimilated 0.12% 63.3%
241 س و د s-w-d the color black hollow 0.12% 63.4%
242 ء ر خ ’a-r-kh history, dates hamzated 0.12% 63.5%
243 ش ب ب sh-b-b youth geminate 0.12% 63.7%
244 ط ب ع T-b-‘a printing sound 0.11% 63.8%
245 ج ي ء j-y-’a coming hollow, hamzated 0.11% 63.9%
246 ن ز ل n-z-l leaving sound 0.11% 64.0%
247 ج ع ل j-‘a-l making sound 0.11% 64.1%
248 ج ه ز j-h-z equipment sound 0.11% 64.2%
249 ح ب ب H-b-b love geminate 0.11% 64.3%
250 س ل ط s-l-T power, authority sound 0.11% 64.4%
251 ح ي ن H-y-n when, time, arriving hollow 0.11% 64.5%
252 ز و ر z-w-r visiting hollow 0.11% 64.7%
253 ء خ ذ ’a-kh-dh taking hamzated 0.11% 64.8%
254 ق ل ب q-l-b hearts sound 0.11% 64.9%
255 د ع م d-‘a-m support sound 0.11% 65.0%
256 ق س م q-s-m division sound 0.11% 65.1%
257 ن د و n-d-w announcing defective 0.11% 65.2%
258 ح ر ر H-r-r freedom geminate 0.11% 65.3%
259 ه ي ء h-y-’a preparation hollow, hamzated 0.11% 65.4%
260 ر ج ع r-j-‘a returning sound 0.11% 65.5%
261 ك م ل k-m-l completion sound 0.11% 65.6%
262 ع م د ‘a-m-d reliance, intention sound 0.11% 65.8%
263 ن م و n-m-w growth defective 0.11% 65.9%
264 ط و ع T-w-‘a being able, obeying hollow 0.11% 66.0%
265 ع د م ‘a-d-m lack of sound 0.11% 66.1%
266 ء د ب ’a-d-b etiquette, literature hamzated 0.11% 66.2%
267 ص د ق S-d-q friendship, truth sound 0.11% 66.3%
268 ب ر ي b-r-y competitions defective 0.1% 66.4%
269 س ج ل s-j-l recording sound 0.1% 66.5%
270 ع ي ش ‘a-y-sh life hollow 0.1% 66.6%
271 ل غ و l-gh-w language, cancelation defective 0.1% 66.7%
272 ح ر م H-r-m respect, forbidden sound 0.1% 66.8%
273 ش ء ن sh-’a-n matters, affairs hamzated 0.1% 66.9%
274 ع ق ل ‘a-q-l mind, rationality sound 0.1% 67.0%
275 ن ق ط n-q-T points sound 0.1% 67.1%
276 ن و ب n-w-b deputies, delegations hollow 0.1% 67.2%
277 س و س s-w-s politics hollow 0.1% 67.3%
278 ب ي ت b-y-t houses hollow 0.1% 67.4%
279 ر س م r-s-m drawing sound 0.1% 67.5%
280 د ر ج d-r-j levels, categories sound 0.1% 67.6%
281 ن و ر n-w-r light hollow 0.1% 67.7%
282 ح ر ك H-r-k movement sound 0.1% 67.8%
283 س ل ح s-l-H weapons sound 0.1% 67.9%
284 ف ت ر f-t-r period of time sound 0.1% 68.0%
285 ف ص ل f-S-l details, separation sound 0.1% 68.1%
286 ب ط ل b-T-l heroism, unemployment sound 0.1% 68.2%
287 ف و ز f-w-z winning hollow 0.1% 68.3%
288 ف ر ض f-r-D imposing, assuming sound 0.1% 68.4%
289 و ر د w-r-d sources, resources assimilated 0.1% 68.5%
290 ط ب ق T-b-q (various) sound 0.1% 68.6%
291 ع ن ص ر ‘a-n-S-r elements quadriliteral 0.1% 68.7%
292 ج ه د j-h-d effort sound 0.1% 68.8%
293 ن ش ط n-sh-T activity sound 0.1% 68.9%
294 ن خ ب n-kh-b elites sound 0.1% 69.0%
295 س ع ر s-‘a-r prices sound 0.1% 69.1%
296 ب ق ي b-q-y remaining defective 0.1% 69.2%
297 ص ح ف S-H-f journalism sound 0.09% 69.3%
298 ع ظ م ‘a-DH-m greatness sound 0.09% 69.4%
299 خ ط ر kh-T-r (various) sound 0.09% 69.5%
300 و ف ر w-f-r abundance assimilated 0.09% 69.6%
301 و ك ل w-k-l representing, agents assimilated 0.09% 69.7%
302 ج ر ب j-r-b testing, trying sound 0.09% 69.7%
303 ض ر ب D-r-b striking, hitting sound 0.09% 69.8%
304 ت ج ر t-j-r commerce sound 0.09% 69.9%
305 ر ح م r-H-m mercy sound 0.09% 70.0%
306 ش ع ب sh-‘a-b people sound 0.09% 70.1%
307 ش د د sh-d-d intense, strong geminate 0.09% 70.2%
308 ع د و ‘a-d-w enemies defective 0.09% 70.3%
309 ق ن ن q-n-n law geminate 0.09% 70.4%
310 ش ب ه sh-b-h comparison sound 0.09% 70.5%
311 ج م ه ر j-m-h-r crowds, republics quadriliteral 0.09% 70.6%
312 ع ط و ‘a-T-w giving defective 0.09% 70.6%
313 ر ك ب r-k-b riding, perpetrating sound 0.09% 70.7%
314 ف ض و f-D-w space, emptiness defective 0.09% 70.8%
315 ر ع ي r-‘a-y caring for defective 0.09% 70.9%
316 ش ر ف sh-r-f honor, nobility sound 0.09% 71.0%
317 د ر ب d-r-b training, paths sound 0.09% 71.1%
318 ر ض ي r-D-y contentment defective 0.09% 71.2%
319 ع ض و ‘a-D-w membership defective 0.09% 71.3%
320 ج و ر j-w-r proximity hollow 0.09% 71.4%
321 ح ف ل H-f-l gathering sound 0.09% 71.5%
322 د و م d-w-m permanence hollow 0.09% 71.5%
323 ل ز م l-z-m commitment sound 0.08% 71.6%
324 ر ب ب r-b-b Lord geminate 0.08% 71.7%
325 ء ه ل ’a-h-l people hamzated 0.08% 71.8%
326 ض د د D-d-d opposing geminate 0.08% 71.9%
327 ء و ن ’a-w-n time hollow, hamzated 0.08% 71.9%
328 ه ر ج h-r-j excitation sound 0.08% 72.0%
329 ء س ر ’a-s-r captivity hamzated 0.08% 72.1%
330 ش ر ق sh-r-q the East sound 0.08% 72.2%
331 ب ي ض b-y-D the color white hollow 0.08% 72.3%
332 س ه م s-h-m shares, arrows sound 0.08% 72.3%
333 ر ص د r-S-d observation sound 0.08% 72.4%
334 ذ ه ب dh-h-b going sound 0.08% 72.5%
335 ق ر ن q-r-n comparison, centuries sound 0.08% 72.6%
336 م ر س m-r-s practicing sound 0.08% 72.7%
337 ح و ر H-w-r conversation hollow 0.08% 72.7%
338 ط ر ف T-r-f sides sound 0.08% 72.8%
339 ه ج م h-j-m attacking sound 0.08% 72.9%
340 ر د د r-d-d replying geminate 0.08% 73.0%
341 س م ع s-m-‘a listening sound 0.08% 73.1%
342 و ف ي w-f-y fulfillment assimilated, defective 0.08% 73.1%
343 ء ت ي ’a-t-y coming defective, hamzated 0.08% 73.2%
344 ن ج م n-j-m stars sound 0.08% 73.3%
345 س ر ع s-r-‘a speed sound 0.08% 73.4%
346 ب د ع b-d-‘a innovation sound 0.08% 73.5%
347 ز و ل z-w-l ceasing hollow 0.08% 73.5%
348 ص ر ح S-r-H clarity, statements sound 0.08% 73.6%
349 ق ص ر q-S-r being short or small, castles sound 0.08% 73.7%
350 ض ح و D-H-w (various) defective 0.08% 73.8%
351 ك ي ف k-y-f how, condition hollow 0.08% 73.9%
352 و ث ق w-th-q trust, documents assimilated 0.08% 73.9%
353 ر غ م r-gh-m despite sound 0.08% 74.0%
354 م و ه m-w-h water hollow 0.08% 74.1%
355 خ ف ض kh-f-D decreasing sound 0.08% 74.2%
356 ث و ر th-w-r agitation, revolution hollow 0.08% 74.3%
357 و س ع w-s-‘a width assimilated 0.08% 74.3%
358 ن ج ح n-j-H success sound 0.08% 74.4%
359 ب ك ر b-k-r being early sound 0.08% 74.5%
360 ك ف ي k-f-y sufficing defective 0.08% 74.6%
361 س ف ر s-f-r travel sound 0.08% 74.7%
362 ر ش د r-sh-d guidance sound 0.08% 74.7%
363 ز م ن z-m-n time sound 0.08% 74.8%
364 د ل ل d-l-l evidence, indicating geminate 0.08% 74.9%
365 س ن ن s-n-n the Sunna geminate 0.07% 75.0%
366 ء ص ل ’a-S-l origins hamzated 0.07% 75.0%
367 ب ح ر b-H-r the ocean sound 0.07% 75.1%
368 و ر ث w-r-th inheritance assimilated 0.07% 75.2%
369 ج و د j-w-d proficiency hollow 0.07% 75.3%
370 ك ر و k-r-w balls defective 0.07% 75.3%
371 ن ص ر n-S-r victory sound 0.07% 75.4%
372 ن س و n-s-w women defective 0.07% 75.5%
373 ص غ ر S-gh-r being small sound 0.07% 75.5%
374 ل ج ن l-j-n committees sound 0.07% 75.6%
375 ر ه ب r-h-b terror sound 0.07% 75.7%
376 ح ر ب H-r-b war sound 0.07% 75.7%
377 م و ت m-w-t death hollow 0.07% 75.8%
378 ج ر م j-r-m crime sound 0.07% 75.9%
379 ع ه د ‘a-h-d (various) sound 0.07% 76.0%
380 س ك ن s-k-n residing, silence sound 0.07% 76.0%
381 ط و ق T-w-q (various) hollow 0.07% 76.1%
382 و ظ ف w-DH-f employment assimilated 0.07% 76.2%
383 ع ص ر ‘a-S-r (various) sound 0.07% 76.2%
384 ن ص ص n-S-S texts geminate 0.07% 76.3%
385 ج و و j-w-w air, weather geminate, hollow, defective 0.07% 76.4%
386 ب ي ع b-y-‘a selling hollow 0.07% 76.4%
387 ب د ل b-d-l exchanging sound 0.07% 76.5%
388 ن ص ف n-S-f half sound 0.07% 76.6%
389 ع و ل ‘a-w-l families, households hollow 0.07% 76.7%
390 ق ي م q-y-m values hollow 0.07% 76.7%
391 ف ت و f-t-w children, legal opinions defective 0.07% 76.8%
392 ق ن و q-n-w acquiring, channels defective 0.07% 76.9%
393 ش غ ل sh-gh-l work sound 0.07% 76.9%
394 ظ ل ل DH-l-l shade geminate 0.07% 77.0%
395 م ن ع m-n-‘a preventing sound 0.07% 77.1%
396 و س م w-s-m seasons, characterization assimilated 0.07% 77.1%
397 ب ر ز b-r-z prominence sound 0.07% 77.2%
398 ط ل ع T-l-‘a appearing, examining sound 0.07% 77.3%
399 ز ه ر z-h-r flowers, flourishing sound 0.07% 77.4%
400 ن و ل n-w-l dealing with, eating hollow 0.07% 77.4%
401 و ص ف w-S-f description assimilated 0.07% 77.5%
402 ي د y-d hands biliteral 0.07% 77.6%
403 ث ب ت th-b-t stability sound 0.07% 77.6%
404 ء ط ر ’a-T-r frames, rims hamzated 0.06% 77.7%
405 ح و ط H-w-T surrounding, oceans hollow 0.06% 77.8%
406 ج ر ح j-r-H wounding sound 0.06% 77.8%
407 س م ح s-m-H permission sound 0.06% 77.9%
408 ق ص ص q-S-S stories, cutting geminate 0.06% 77.9%
409 ج ل ل j-l-l majesty geminate 0.06% 78.0%
410 د ر ك d-r-k attainment sound 0.06% 78.1%
411 ب و ب b-w-b doors, gates hollow 0.06% 78.1%
412 ث م ن th-m-n value sound 0.06% 78.2%
413 س ي ح s-y-H flowing, tourism hollow 0.06% 78.2%
414 ج ن ن j-n-n (various) geminate 0.06% 78.3%
415 ث م ر th-m-r investment sound 0.06% 78.4%
416 ب د ر b-d-r suddenness sound 0.06% 78.4%
417 و س ل w-s-l ways, means assimilated 0.06% 78.5%
418 ع ر ق ‘a-r-q ancestry, Iraq sound 0.06% 78.5%
419 ف و ق f-w-q being above hollow 0.06% 78.6%
420 ه ت ف h-t-f shouting sound 0.06% 78.7%
421 ت ق ن t-q-n skill sound 0.06% 78.7%
422 ح م ي H-m-y heat, protection defective 0.06% 78.8%
423 ج ز ء j-z-’a parts, sections hamzated 0.06% 78.8%
424 ص ر خ S-r-kh shouting sound 0.06% 78.9%
425 س ل ك s-l-k conduct sound 0.06% 79.0%
426 ه و ي h-w-y (various) hollow, defective 0.06% 79.0%
427 س ل س ل s-l-s-l linking quadriliteral 0.06% 79.1%
428 غ ل ب gh-l-b overcoming, winning sound 0.06% 79.1%
429 س ل ب s-l-b depriving, robbing sound 0.06% 79.2%
430 ر م ض r-m-D Ramadan sound 0.06% 79.3%
431 ت ر ك t-r-k leaving sound 0.06% 79.3%
432 ج س م j-s-m bodies, forms sound 0.06% 79.4%
433 ع س ك ر ‘a-s-k-r military quadriliteral 0.06% 79.4%
434 س ر ط s-r-T cancer sound 0.06% 79.5%
435 س ج د s-j-d mosques, prostration sound 0.06% 79.6%
436 د ب ب d-b-b (various) geminate 0.06% 79.6%
437 ص ف ف S-f-f arrangement, characterization geminate 0.06% 79.7%
438 ف ه م f-h-m understanding sound 0.06% 79.7%
439 س ب ح s-b-H glorifying, swimming sound 0.06% 79.8%
440 ء م س ’a-m-s yesterday hamzated 0.06% 79.9%
441 ض ب ط D-b-T control sound 0.06% 79.9%
442 ن و ي n-w-y intention, nuclear hollow, defective 0.06% 80.0%
443 ض م م D-m-m interior, guaranteeing geminate 0.06% 80.0%
444 ع ن و ن ‘a-n-w-n titles quadriliteral 0.06% 80.1%
445 ر ف ق r-f-q friendship sound 0.06% 80.2%
446 ع ص م ‘a-S-m protection, capitals sound 0.06% 80.2%
447 ج و ب j-w-b replying hollow 0.06% 80.3%
448 خ ل و kh-l-w emptiness defective 0.06% 80.3%
449 ك ل م k-l-m words, speaking sound 0.06% 80.4%
450 ر ت ب r-t-b arranging, salary sound 0.06% 80.5%
451 ص ر ف S-r-f spending, behavior sound 0.06% 80.5%
452 د م م d-m-m blood geminate 0.06% 80.6%
453 و ز ن w-z-n weight, balance assimilated 0.06% 80.6%
454 س ر ر s-r-r delight geminate 0.06% 80.7%
455 ض ع ف D-‘a-f weakness, doubling sound 0.06% 80.8%
456 ش ب ك sh-b-k windows, networks, clashes sound 0.06% 80.8%
457 ف ج ر f-j-r dawn, explosion sound 0.06% 80.9%
458 ق ع د q-‘a-d (various) sound 0.06% 80.9%
459 ن ق د n-q-d criticism, money sound 0.05% 81.0%
460 ح ج ج H-j-j pilgrimage, protest geminate 0.05% 81.0%
461 ن ش ء n-sh-’a establishing hamzated 0.05% 81.1%
462 م س و m-s-w evening defective 0.05% 81.1%
463 م ي ل m-y-l inclining, leaning hollow 0.05% 81.2%
464 ر ق ب r-q-b monitoring sound 0.05% 81.2%
465 ج ز ر j-z-r islands, Algeria sound 0.05% 81.3%
466 غ ي ب gh-y-b absence hollow 0.05% 81.3%
467 ق ر ي q-r-y villages defective 0.05% 81.4%
468 ر و ض r-w-D math, sports hollow 0.05% 81.4%
469 و ق ي w-q-y protection assimilated, defective 0.05% 81.5%
470 ط ع م T-‘a-m taste sound 0.05% 81.5%
471 س ب ل s-b-l ways sound 0.05% 81.6%
472 ص ف و S-f-w clarity, sincerity defective 0.05% 81.6%
473 ص و م S-w-m fasting hollow 0.05% 81.7%
474 ل ح ظ l-H-DH noticing sound 0.05% 81.7%
475 س و ء s-w-’a badness hollow, hamzated 0.05% 81.8%
476 ش ر ي sh-r-y buying defective 0.05% 81.8%
477 ر ق م r-q-m numbers sound 0.05% 81.9%
478 ر ب و r-b-w upbringing, growing defective 0.05% 81.9%
479 ل ي ل l-y-l night hollow 0.05% 82.0%
480 ح ر ص H-r-S desire, greed sound 0.05% 82.0%
481 ء م ل ’a-m-l hope hamzated 0.05% 82.1%
482 ص و ت S-w-t voices hollow 0.05% 82.1%
483 ج ن س j-n-s sex, types sound 0.05% 82.2%
484 ظ ر ف DH-r-f elegance, circumstances sound 0.05% 82.2%
485 س ق ط s-q-T falling sound 0.05% 82.3%
486 ر ف ض r-f-D refusal sound 0.05% 82.3%
487 و ع ي w-‘a-y consciousness assimilated, defective 0.05% 82.4%
488 ن ق ش n-q-sh debate, sculpture sound 0.05% 82.4%
489 غ ذ و gh-dh-w morning, tomorrow, lunch defective 0.05% 82.5%
490 ص ع ب S-‘a-b difficulty sound 0.05% 82.5%
491 ل ق ب l-q-b titles, surnames sound 0.05% 82.6%
492 ر غ ب r-gh-b desire, wishes sound 0.05% 82.6%
493 خ د ر kh-d-r drugs sound 0.05% 82.7%
494 ل ح ق l-H-q reaching, joining sound 0.05% 82.7%
495 س ر ق s-r-q stealing sound 0.05% 82.8%
496 ك ن ن k-n-n (various) geminate 0.05% 82.8%
497 د ن و d-n-w being low, the world defective 0.05% 82.9%
498 ج ر د j-r-d bare sound 0.05% 82.9%
499 ح ط ط H-T-T putting down geminate 0.05% 83.0%
500 ك ل ف k-l-f costs sound 0.05% 83.0%