Click on selected rows to see the roots' most common words.

The Quran, the central scripture of Islam, consists of 114 chapters that Muslims believe were revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad. Around 1,600 distinct roots appear in the Quran's roughly 77,000 words.

The 500 most common roots in the Quran are as follows:

Rank Root Trans. Usually denotes Root type Frequency Cumulative freq.
1 ء ل ه ’a-l-h God hamzated 5.71% 5.71%
2 ق و ل q-w-l speaking hollow 3.45% 9.16%
3 ك و ن k-w-n being, existence hollow 2.78% 11.9%
4 ر ب ب r-b-b Lord geminate 1.96% 13.9%
5 ء م ن ’a-m-n security, trust hamzated 1.76% 15.6%
6 ع ل م ‘a-l-m knowledge sound 1.71% 17.3%
7 ق و م q-w-m (various) hollow 1.32% 18.6%
8 ء ت ي ’a-t-y coming defective, hamzated 1.1% 19.7%
9 ك ف ر k-f-r disbelief sound 1.05% 20.8%
10 ب ي ن b-y-n (various) hollow 1.05% 21.8%
11 ش ي ء sh-y-’a things hollow, hamzated 1.04% 22.9%
12 ر س ل r-s-l message sound 1.03% 23.9%
13 ء ر ض ’a-r-D land hamzated 0.92% 24.8%
14 ي و م y-w-m days assimilated, hollow 0.81% 25.6%
15 ء ي ي ’a-y-y signs, verses (of the Quran) geminate, hollow, defective, hamzated 0.76% 26.4%
16 س م و s-m-w names, height defective 0.76% 27.2%
17 ك ل ل k-l-l every, all geminate 0.75% 27.9%
18 ع ذ ب ‘a-dh-b pain, punishment sound 0.75% 28.7%
19 ع م ل ‘a-m-l work sound 0.72% 29.4%
20 ج ع ل j-‘a-l making sound 0.69% 30.1%
21 ر ح م r-H-m mercy sound 0.68% 30.8%
22 ر ء ي r-’a-y seeing, opinions defective, hamzated 0.66% 31.4%
23 ك ت ب k-t-b writing sound 0.64% 32.1%
24 ه د ي h-d-y guidance, gifts defective 0.63% 32.7%
25 ظ ل م DH-l-m injustice, darkness sound 0.63% 33.3%
26 ن ف س n-f-s the soul, self sound 0.6% 33.9%
27 ق ب ل q-b-l (various) sound 0.59% 34.5%
28 ن ز ل n-z-l leaving sound 0.59% 35.1%
29 ذ ك ر dh-k-r memory, masculinity sound 0.58% 35.7%
30 ح ق ق H-q-q truth, rights geminate 0.57% 36.2%
31 ك ذ ب k-dh-b lying sound 0.56% 36.8%
32 ج ي ء j-y-’a coming hollow, hamzated 0.56% 37.4%
33 ع ب د ‘a-b-d servants, worship sound 0.55% 37.9%
34 ء خ ذ ’a-kh-dh taking hamzated 0.55% 38.5%
35 خ ل ق kh-l-q creation sound 0.52% 39.0%
36 و ق ي w-q-y protection assimilated, defective 0.52% 39.5%
37 ء خ ر ’a-kh-r following, other, last hamzated 0.5% 40.0%
38 ء م ر ’a-m-r princes, ordering hamzated 0.5% 40.5%
39 ن و س n-w-s people, mankind hollow 0.48% 41.0%
40 ب ع د b-‘a-d after, far sound 0.47% 41.5%
41 غ ف ر gh-f-r pardon, forgiveness sound 0.47% 41.9%
42 و ل ي w-l-y being in charge, following assimilated, defective 0.46% 42.4%
43 د ع و d-‘a-w invitation, call to prayer defective 0.42% 42.8%
44 ح ك م H-k-m power, judging sound 0.42% 43.2%
45 م ل ك m-l-k kings sound 0.41% 43.6%
46 ج ن ن j-n-n (various) geminate 0.4% 44.0%
47 ع ن د ‘a-n-d with, near, has sound 0.4% 44.4%
48 خ ي ر kh-y-r good, better hollow 0.39% 44.8%
49 ح س ن H-s-n goodness sound 0.39% 45.2%
50 ن و ر n-w-r light hollow 0.39% 45.6%
51 ض ل ل D-l-l going astray geminate 0.38% 46.0%
52 س م ع s-m-‘a listening sound 0.37% 46.4%
53 ب ن ي b-n-y children defective 0.37% 46.7%
54 ح ي ي H-y-y life geminate, hollow, defective 0.37% 47.1%
55 خ ر ج kh-r-j leaving sound 0.36% 47.5%
56 ص ل ح S-l-H upright, reform sound 0.36% 47.8%
57 س ب ل s-b-l ways sound 0.35% 48.2%
58 ت ب ع t-b-‘a following sound 0.34% 48.5%
59 ء و ل ’a-w-l first hollow, hamzated 0.34% 48.8%
60 ق ت ل q-t-l killing sound 0.34% 49.2%
61 م ث ل m-th-l similarity sound 0.34% 49.5%
62 ش ر ك sh-r-k participation sound 0.34% 49.9%
63 ق ل ب q-l-b hearts sound 0.34% 50.2%
64 س و ء s-w-’a badness hollow, hamzated 0.33% 50.5%
65 ك ث ر k-th-r plentifulness sound 0.33% 50.9%
66 م و ت m-w-t death hollow 0.33% 51.2%
67 ك ب ر k-b-r being big sound 0.32% 51.5%
68 ش ه د sh-h-d witnessing sound 0.32% 51.8%
69 ن ب ء n-b-’a prophecy, news hamzated 0.32% 52.2%
70 ب ع ض b-‘a-D some sound 0.32% 52.5%
71 ن ص ر n-S-r victory sound 0.32% 52.8%
72 ص د ق S-d-q friendship, truth sound 0.31% 53.1%
73 غ ي ر gh-y-r difference, negation hollow 0.31% 53.4%
74 و ع د w-‘a-d promising, threatening assimilated 0.3% 53.7%
75 ب ص ر b-S-r sight sound 0.3% 54.0%
76 ر و د r-w-d wanting hollow 0.3% 54.3%
77 ل ق ي l-q-y meeting defective 0.29% 54.6%
78 د و ن d-w-n without, recording hollow 0.29% 54.9%
79 س ل م s-l-m peace, Islam sound 0.28% 55.2%
80 ن ع م n-‘a-m comfort, blessings sound 0.28% 55.5%
81 د ن و d-n-w being low, the world defective 0.27% 55.7%
82 ق د ر q-d-r amount, power sound 0.26% 56.0%
83 ن ذ ر n-dh-r vowing, pledging, warning sound 0.26% 56.2%
84 س ء ل s-’a-l questions hamzated 0.26% 56.5%
85 ج م ع j-m-‘a gathering sound 0.26% 56.8%
86 ط و ع T-w-‘a being able, obeying hollow 0.26% 57.0%
87 ن ظ ر n-DH-r seeing, looking sound 0.26% 57.3%
88 ع ظ م ‘a-DH-m greatness sound 0.26% 57.5%
89 ء ه ل ’a-h-l people hamzated 0.25% 57.8%
90 خ ل ف kh-l-f difference, following sound 0.25% 58.0%
91 د خ ل d-kh-l entering sound 0.25% 58.3%
92 خ و ف kh-w-f fear hollow 0.25% 58.5%
93 ب ش ر b-sh-r good news, rejoicing sound 0.25% 58.8%
94 ر ز ق r-z-q subsistence, livelihood sound 0.25% 59.0%
95 ي د y-d hands biliteral 0.24% 59.3%
96 ء م م ’a-m-m mothers, nations geminate, hamzated 0.24% 59.5%
97 ع ز ز ‘a-z-z dear, precious geminate 0.24% 59.8%
98 ج ز ي j-z-y rewarding, punishing defective 0.24% 60.0%
99 ء ب و ’a-b-w fathers defective, hamzated 0.23% 60.2%
100 ن ه ر n-h-r rivers, reproaching sound 0.23% 60.5%
101 ن ف ق n-f-q expense, hypocrisy sound 0.22% 60.7%
102 ء ك ل ’a-k-l eating hamzated 0.22% 60.9%
103 ح س ب H-s-b according to sound 0.22% 61.1%
104 ء ج ر ’a-j-r rewards, pay hamzated 0.22% 61.3%
105 ف ع ل f-‘a-l doing, actions sound 0.22% 61.6%
106 و ج د w-j-d finding assimilated 0.21% 61.8%
107 ع د و ‘a-d-w enemies defective 0.21% 62.0%
108 ر ج ع r-j-‘a returning sound 0.21% 62.2%
109 ف ض ل f-D-l preference, superiority sound 0.21% 62.4%
110 ص ب ر S-b-r patience sound 0.21% 62.6%
111 ء ذ ن ’a-dh-n (various) hamzated 0.2% 62.8%
112 ش د د sh-d-d intense, strong geminate 0.2% 63.0%
113 و ل د w-l-d parents, childbirth assimilated 0.2% 63.2%
114 د ي ن d-y-n religion, debt hollow 0.2% 63.4%
115 ص ل و S-l-w prayer defective 0.2% 63.6%
116 ء ن س ’a-n-s humans hamzated 0.19% 63.8%
117 ص ح ب S-H-b accompanying sound 0.19% 64.0%
118 ء خ و ’a-kh-w siblings defective, hamzated 0.19% 64.2%
119 ب غ ي b-gh-y desire; oppression d+f501efective 0.19% 64.4%
120 ق ر ب q-r-b proximity sound 0.19% 64.6%
121 ح ب ب H-b-b love geminate 0.19% 64.8%
122 س ب ح s-b-H glorifying, swimming sound 0.18% 64.9%
123 س ج د s-j-d mosques, prostration sound 0.18% 65.1%
124 ل ي ل l-y-l night hollow 0.18% 65.3%
125 ل ي س l-y-s negation hollow 0.18% 65.5%
126 ش ط ن sh-T-n the Devil sound 0.18% 65.7%
127 ق ر ء q-r-’a reading hamzated 0.18% 65.8%
128 ت و ب t-w-b repentance hollow 0.17% 66.0%
129 خ ل د kh-l-d eternity sound 0.17% 66.2%
130 م و ل m-w-l money hollow 0.17% 66.3%
131 ء ح د ’a-H-d one, unity hamzated 0.17% 66.5%
132 ن ج و n-j-w escaping, saving defective 0.17% 66.7%
133 س و ي s-w-y being straight or level hollow, defective 0.17% 66.9%
134 ح ر م H-r-m respect, forbidden sound 0.17% 67.0%
135 ك ي ف k-y-f how, condition hollow 0.17% 67.2%
136 ز و ج z-w-j marriage hollow 0.16% 67.4%
137 ع ق ب ‘a-q-b following, punishment sound 0.16% 67.5%
138 ع ر ض ‘a-r-D (various) sound 0.16% 67.7%
139 و ج ه w-j-h faces assimilated 0.16% 67.8%
140 و ح ي w-H-y inspiration, revelation assimilated, defective 0.16% 68.0%
141 ب ل غ b-l-gh reaching, attaining sound 0.15% 68.1%
142 ص و ب S-w-b aiming hollow 0.15% 68.3%
143 ق ل ل q-l-l being less then geminate 0.15% 68.4%
144 ء ل م ’a-l-m pain hamzated 0.15% 68.6%
145 ش ك ر sh-k-r thanks, gratitude sound 0.15% 68.7%
146 ك ل م k-l-m words, speaking sound 0.15% 68.9%
147 ض ر ر D-r-r coercion, damage geminate 0.15% 69.0%
148 ب ء س b-’a-s despair hamzated 0.15% 69.2%
149 ب ي ت b-y-t houses hollow 0.15% 69.3%
150 ر ج ل r-j-l men sound 0.15% 69.5%
151 ر ض ي r-D-y contentment defective 0.15% 69.6%
152 غ ن ي gh-n-y songs, wealth defective 0.15% 69.8%
153 ف ر ق f-r-q difference sound 0.14% 69.9%
154 ي م ن y-m-n right, Yemen assimilated 0.14% 70.1%
155 ع ر ف ‘a-r-f knowledge sound 0.14% 70.2%
156 ع ل و ‘a-l-w being high or exalted defective 0.14% 70.4%
157 م ت ع m-t-‘a pleasure sound 0.14% 70.5%
158 و ك ل w-k-l representing, agents assimilated 0.14% 70.6%
159 س ك ن s-k-n residing, silence sound 0.14% 70.8%
160 ظ ن ن DH-n-n thinking geminate 0.14% 70.9%
161 ه ل ك h-l-k destruction, ruin sound 0.14% 71.1%
162 و ح د w-H-d the number one, unity assimilated 0.14% 71.2%
163 ب ع ث b-‘a-th sending, reviving, delegations sound 0.13% 71.3%
164 ك س ب k-s-b gaining sound 0.13% 71.5%
165 ج ر م j-r-m crime sound 0.13% 71.6%
166 و ف ي w-f-y fulfillment assimilated, defective 0.13% 71.7%
167 خ س ر kh-s-r loss sound 0.13% 71.8%
168 ع ي ن ‘a-y-n eyes hollow 0.13% 72.0%
169 ج ر ي j-r-y occurring defective 0.13% 72.1%
170 ح م ل H-m-l carrying sound 0.13% 72.2%
171 س ح ر s-H-r magic sound 0.13% 72.4%
172 ت ل و t-l-w following, reciting defective 0.13% 72.5%
173 ح م د H-m-d praise sound 0.13% 72.6%
174 ذ و ق dh-w-q tasting hollow 0.13% 72.8%
175 ع و د ‘a-w-d returning hollow 0.13% 72.9%
176 ق ض ي q-D-y (various) defective 0.13% 73.0%
177 م و ه m-w-h water hollow 0.13% 73.1%
178 ز ي د z-y-d increasing hollow 0.12% 73.3%
179 م س س m-s-s touching, harming geminate 0.12% 73.4%
180 غ ي ب gh-y-b absence hollow 0.12% 73.5%
181 ف ت ن f-t-n temptation, charm sound 0.12% 73.6%
182 ف ر ي f-r-y lying, falsity defective 0.12% 73.7%
183 ر د د r-d-d replying geminate 0.12% 73.9%
184 ز ك و z-k-w purity, charity defective 0.12% 74.0%
185 ظ ه ر DH-h-r appearance sound 0.12% 74.1%
186 ن س و n-s-w women defective 0.12% 74.2%
187 ض ر ب D-r-b striking, hitting sound 0.12% 74.3%
188 ر و ح r-w-H the soul hollow 0.11% 74.5%
189 ع د د ‘a-d-d number, counting geminate 0.11% 74.6%
190 ق ر ي q-r-y villages defective 0.11% 74.7%
191 ء ج ل ’a-j-l delay hamzated 0.11% 74.8%
192 ذ ه ب dh-h-b going sound 0.11% 74.9%
193 ن ه ي n-h-y ending defective 0.11% 75.0%
194 د و ر d-w-r turn, role hollow 0.11% 75.1%
195 ف س ق f-s-q sin, going astray sound 0.11% 75.2%
196 ن د و n-d-w announcing defective 0.11% 75.3%
197 خ ب ر kh-b-r news, expertise sound 0.1% 75.4%
198 ض ع ف D-‘a-f weakness, doubling sound 0.1% 75.5%
199 ت ح ت t-H-t under, beneath sound 0.1% 75.6%
200 ح ل ل H-l-l (various) geminate 0.1% 75.7%
201 ط ي ب T-y-b goodness hollow 0.1% 75.8%
202 ف س د f-s-d corruption sound 0.1% 75.9%
203 ن ف ع n-f-‘a useful, beneficial sound 0.1% 76.0%
204 س و ع s-w-‘a hours hollow 0.1% 76.1%
205 ع ق ل ‘a-q-l mind, rationality sound 0.1% 76.2%
206 ء ث م ’a-th-m sin hamzated 0.1% 76.3%
207 خ ش ي kh-sh-y fear defective 0.1% 76.4%
208 ط ع م T-‘a-m taste sound 0.1% 76.5%
209 ق د م q-d-m (various) sound 0.1% 76.6%
210 ع ج ل ‘a-j-l hurrying sound 0.09% 76.7%
211 ك ر م k-r-m nobility, generosity sound 0.09% 76.8%
212 ز ي ن z-y-n beauty hollow 0.09% 76.9%
213 ص د ر S-d-r putting out, exporting sound 0.09% 77.0%
214 ع ه د ‘a-h-d (various) sound 0.09% 77.1%
215 ص ب ح S-b-H becoming, morning sound 0.09% 77.2%
216 ص ر ط S-r-T way, path sound 0.09% 77.3%
217 ن س ي n-s-y forgetting defective 0.09% 77.4%
218 و ذ ر w-dh-r letting be, leaving alone assimilated 0.09% 77.4%
219 س ر ر s-r-r delight geminate 0.09% 77.5%
220 ي س ر y-s-r being easy assimilated 0.09% 77.6%
221 ب د ل b-d-l exchanging sound 0.09% 77.7%
222 ح ف ظ H-f-DH memory sound 0.09% 77.8%
223 د ب ر d-b-r rear, behind sound 0.09% 77.9%
224 ت ر ك t-r-k leaving sound 0.09% 78.0%
225 ج و ب j-w-b replying hollow 0.09% 78.1%
226 ح ش ر H-sh-r gathering, crowding sound 0.09% 78.2%
227 ف ص ل f-S-l details, separation sound 0.09% 78.3%
228 ف و ق f-w-q being above hollow 0.09% 78.3%
229 م ك ر m-k-r cunning, craftiness sound 0.09% 78.4%
230 س خ ر s-kh-r scorn, mockery sound 0.08% 78.5%
231 ب ح ر b-H-r the ocean sound 0.08% 78.6%
232 ح ز ن H-z-n sadness sound 0.08% 78.7%
233 ص د د S-d-d turning away, preventing geminate 0.08% 78.8%
234 ق و ي q-w-y strength hollow, defective 0.08% 78.8%
235 ج ب ل j-b-l mountains sound 0.08% 78.9%
236 ج ه د j-h-d effort sound 0.08% 79.0%
237 ط و ف T-w-f wandering, moving about hollow 0.08% 79.1%
238 ك ر ه k-r-h hatred sound 0.08% 79.2%
239 ل ع ن l-‘a-n cursing sound 0.08% 79.2%
240 ش ع ر sh-‘a-r feelings, poetry sound 0.08% 79.3%
241 ف ل ح f-l-H agriculture sound 0.08% 79.4%
242 م ل ء m-l-’a filling hamzated 0.08% 79.5%
243 س ل ط s-l-T power, authority sound 0.08% 79.6%
244 ذ ن ب dh-n-b sin sound 0.08% 79.6%
245 ش ر ب sh-r-b drinking sound 0.08% 79.7%
246 ط غ ي T-gh-y tyranny, flooding defective 0.08% 79.8%
247 ب ل و b-l-w (various) defective 0.08% 79.9%
248 ذ ر ر dh-r-r atoms geminate 0.08% 80.0%
249 ف ت ح f-t-H opening, conquest sound 0.08% 80.0%
250 ق ر ر q-r-r decisions geminate 0.08% 80.1%
251 م ر ء m-r-’a men, women hamzated 0.08% 80.2%
252 ه و ي h-w-y (various) hollow, defective 0.08% 80.3%
253 س ب ق s-b-q preceding sound 0.07% 80.3%
254 ء ل و ’a-l-w desisting, refraining defective, hamzated 0.07% 80.4%
255 ن ك ر n-k-r denial, rejection sound 0.07% 80.5%
256 ء ن ي ’a-n-y (various) defective, hamzated 0.07% 80.6%
257 ء و ي ’a-w-y refuge, shelter hollow, defective, hamzated 0.07% 80.6%
258 ب ط ل b-T-l heroism, unemployment sound 0.07% 80.7%
259 ح د ث H-d-th event, to happen sound 0.07% 80.8%
260 ر ي ب r-y-b doubt hollow 0.07% 80.8%
261 ق ر ن q-r-n comparison, centuries sound 0.07% 80.9%
262 ق ط ع q-T-‘a cutting sound 0.07% 81.0%
263 ح ي ن H-y-n when, time, arriving hollow 0.07% 81.0%
264 ع ف و ‘a-f-w forgiveness, effacement defective 0.07% 81.1%
265 غ ف ل gh-f-l negligence sound 0.07% 81.2%
266 ك ي د k-y-d trickery hollow 0.07% 81.3%
267 م ر ر m-r-r passing, continuing geminate 0.07% 81.3%
268 و ر ث w-r-th inheritance assimilated 0.07% 81.4%
269 ج ن ح j-n-H leaning, sides sound 0.07% 81.5%
270 خ ف ي kh-f-y hiding defective 0.07% 81.5%
271 ه ز ء h-z-’a derision, mockery hamzated 0.07% 81.6%
272 و ث ق w-th-q trust, documents assimilated 0.07% 81.7%
273 ج ن ب j-n-b sides, avoiding sound 0.07% 81.7%
274 ح ج ج H-j-j pilgrimage, protest geminate 0.07% 81.8%
275 ش م س sh-m-s sun sound 0.07% 81.9%
276 ظ ل ل DH-l-l shade geminate 0.07% 82.0%
277 ع ر ش ‘a-r-sh thrones sound 0.07% 82.0%
278 ع م ي ‘a-m-y blindness defective 0.07% 82.1%
279 ق س م q-s-m division sound 0.07% 82.2%
280 ك ف ي k-f-y sufficing defective 0.07% 82.2%
281 ب ر ر b-r-r reverence, justification geminate 0.06% 82.3%
282 ب ر ك b-r-k blessing sound 0.06% 82.4%
283 ث ل ث th-l-th the number three sound 0.06% 82.4%
284 ع ص ي ‘a-S-y disobedience defective 0.06% 82.5%
285 م د د m-d-d extent geminate 0.06% 82.5%
286 ن ص ب n-S-b installing, positions sound 0.06% 82.6%
287 و ر ي w-r-y (various) assimilated, defective 0.06% 82.7%
288 و س ع w-s-‘a width assimilated 0.06% 82.7%
289 و ص ي w-S-y entrusting, advising assimilated, defective 0.06% 82.8%
290 ب د و b-d-w appearance, Bedouin defective 0.06% 82.8%
291 ب ر ء b-r-’a innocence hamzated 0.06% 82.9%
292 ح ي ث H-y-th where, since, as hollow 0.06% 83.0%
293 خ ل ص kh-l-S purity, ridding of sound 0.06% 83.0%
294 ش ر ر sh-r-r evil geminate 0.06% 83.1%
295 ش ف ع sh-f-‘a intercession sound 0.06% 83.1%
296 ط ه ر T-h-r purification sound 0.06% 83.2%
297 غ ل ب gh-l-b overcoming, winning sound 0.06% 83.3%
298 ق ع د q-‘a-d (various) sound 0.06% 83.3%
299 ل ب ث l-b-th hesitation, staying sound 0.06% 83.4%
300 ه ج ر h-j-r migration sound 0.06% 83.4%
301 س ع ي s-‘a-y effort, striving defective 0.06% 83.5%
302 ء ف ك ’a-f-k lying hamzated 0.06% 83.6%
303 ء ن ث ’a-n-th femininity hamzated 0.06% 83.6%
304 ص ر ف S-r-f spending, behavior sound 0.06% 83.7%
305 ع س ي ‘a-s-y perhaps, possible defective 0.06% 83.7%
306 ق ص ص q-S-S stories, cutting geminate 0.06% 83.8%
307 ث ن ي th-n-y the number two, exception defective 0.06% 83.9%
308 ج د ل j-d-l arguments sound 0.06% 83.9%
309 ج ن د j-n-d soldiers sound 0.06% 84.0%
310 د ر ي d-r-y knowledge defective 0.06% 84.0%
311 ر ف ع r-f-‘a raising sound 0.06% 84.1%
312 ص ي ر S-y-r becoming hollow 0.06% 84.2%
313 ط ي ر T-y-r flying hollow 0.06% 84.2%
314 غ ش و gh-sh-w (various) defective 0.06% 84.3%
315 ف و ز f-w-z winning hollow 0.06% 84.3%
316 و د د w-d-d affection, friendship geminate, assimilated 0.06% 84.4%
317 س ب ع s-b-‘a the number seven sound 0.06% 84.5%
318 ء ب د ’a-b-d eternity hamzated 0.06% 84.5%
319 ي ق ن y-q-n certainty assimilated 0.06% 84.6%
320 ث ق ل th-q-l heaviness sound 0.06% 84.6%
321 ث و ب th-w-b returning, clothing hollow 0.06% 84.7%
322 ح و ط H-w-T surrounding, oceans hollow 0.06% 84.8%
323 خ ل و kh-l-w emptiness defective 0.06% 84.8%
324 ر ج و r-j-w hope defective 0.06% 84.9%
325 ش ق ق sh-q-q splitting, dividing geminate 0.06% 84.9%
326 ع د ل ‘a-d-l justice sound 0.06% 85.0%
327 ن ش ء n-sh-’a establishing hamzated 0.06% 85.1%
328 س ي ر s-y-r moving hollow 0.05% 85.1%
329 ب و ب b-w-b doors, gates hollow 0.05% 85.2%
330 ش ج ر sh-j-r (various) sound 0.05% 85.2%
331 ع ج ب ‘a-j-b wonder, amazement sound 0.05% 85.3%
332 ع ش ر ‘a-sh-r the number ten, tribes sound 0.05% 85.3%
333 غ ر ر gh-r-r deception geminate 0.05% 85.4%
334 ق م ر q-m-r the moon, gambling sound 0.05% 85.4%
335 م س ك m-s-k grabbing sound 0.05% 85.5%
336 م ن ن m-n-n kindness, blessings geminate 0.05% 85.5%
337 و ز ر w-z-r ministers assimilated 0.05% 85.6%
338 ج ح م j-H-m hell sound 0.05% 85.6%
339 خ ز ي kh-z-y shame, disgrace defective 0.05% 85.7%
340 ع ج ز ‘a-j-z weakness sound 0.05% 85.7%
341 ن ب ت n-b-t plants sound 0.05% 85.8%
342 ه و ن h-w-n ease, insignificance hollow 0.05% 85.8%
343 و ض ع w-D-‘a situation, subjects assimilated 0.05% 85.9%
344 س ق ي s-q-y watering, irrigation defective 0.05% 85.9%
345 ب س ط b-s-T spreading sound 0.05% 86.0%
346 ب ط ن b-T-n internal, hidden sound 0.05% 86.0%
347 ح د د H-d-d limits, stopping, intensity geminate 0.05% 86.1%
348 ح ض ر H-D-r presence, civilization sound 0.05% 86.1%
349 ح و ل H-w-l trying, transforming hollow 0.05% 86.2%
350 ش ر ي sh-r-y buying defective 0.05% 86.2%
351 ص ل ي S-l-y burning defective 0.05% 86.3%
352 ف ل ك f-l-k astronomy sound 0.05% 86.3%
353 ق س ط q-s-T justice, fairness sound 0.05% 86.4%
354 ل س ن l-s-n tongues, verbal sound 0.05% 86.4%
355 و ع ظ w-‘a-DH sermons, preaching assimilated 0.05% 86.5%
356 و ه ب w-h-b gifts, donating assimilated 0.05% 86.5%
357 ء ذ ي ’a-dh-y hurting, damage defective, hamzated 0.05% 86.6%
358 ث م ر th-m-r investment sound 0.05% 86.6%
359 ج ه ل j-h-l ignorance sound 0.05% 86.7%
360 ذ ل ل dh-l-l humiliation, lowness geminate 0.05% 86.7%
361 ر ق ب r-q-b monitoring sound 0.05% 86.8%
362 ع م ر ‘a-m-r (various) sound 0.05% 86.8%
363 غ ض ب gh-D-b anger sound 0.05% 86.9%
364 ف ج ر f-j-r dawn, explosion sound 0.05% 86.9%
365 ف ح ش f-H-sh monstrousness sound 0.05% 87.0%
366 ك و د k-w-d almost, nearly hollow 0.05% 87.0%
367 م ر ض m-r-D sickness sound 0.05% 87.1%
368 و ق ع w-q-‘a location assimilated 0.05% 87.1%
369 س ر ع s-r-‘a speed sound 0.05% 87.2%
370 س ر ف s-r-f excess sound 0.05% 87.2%
371 ي ت م y-t-m orphan assimilated 0.05% 87.3%
372 ط ل ق T-l-q release sound 0.05% 87.3%
373 غ ر ق gh-r-q sinking sound 0.05% 87.4%
374 ل ب س l-b-s clothing, confusion sound 0.05% 87.4%
375 م ش ي m-sh-y walking defective 0.05% 87.5%
376 ن ك ح n-k-H marriage sound 0.05% 87.5%
377 و ز ن w-z-n weight, balance assimilated 0.05% 87.6%
378 ء ل ف ’a-l-f the number 1,000 hamzated 0.04% 87.6%
379 ت ر ب t-r-b soil sound 0.04% 87.6%
380 ت م م t-m-m completion geminate 0.04% 87.7%
381 خ ط ء kh-T-’a error hamzated 0.04% 87.7%
382 ر ب ع r-b-‘a the number four sound 0.04% 87.8%
383 ع ر ب ‘a-r-b Arabs sound 0.04% 87.8%
384 غ و ي gh-w-y error, sin hollow, defective 0.04% 87.8%
385 ف ر ح f-r-H related joy sound 0.04% 87.9%
386 س ن ن s-n-n the Sunna geminate 0.04% 87.9%
387 ء ث ر ’a-th-r effect, influence hamzated 0.04% 88.0%
388 ب ق ي b-q-y remaining defective 0.04% 88.0%
389 ح ج ر H-j-r preventing, stones sound 0.04% 88.0%
390 ح ذ ر H-dh-r warning sound 0.04% 88.1%
391 ح ل م H-l-m dreams sound 0.04% 88.1%
392 ح م م H-m-m heat geminate 0.04% 88.2%
393 ش ه ر sh-h-r months sound 0.04% 88.2%
394 ف ت و f-t-w children, legal opinions defective 0.04% 88.2%
395 ك ت م k-t-m secrecy sound 0.04% 88.3%
396 م ن ي m-n-y (various) defective 0.04% 88.3%
397 ن ش ر n-sh-r publishing sound 0.04% 88.4%
398 ه و د h-w-d Judaism hollow 0.04% 88.4%
399 س ن و s-n-w years defective 0.04% 88.4%
400 ح ز ب H-z-b political parties sound 0.04% 88.5%
401 د ر ج d-r-j levels, categories sound 0.04% 88.5%
402 ر ب و r-b-w upbringing, growing defective 0.04% 88.6%
403 ص ن ع S-n-‘a production sound 0.04% 88.6%
404 ف ط ر f-T-r breaking fast, splitting sound 0.04% 88.6%
405 ف ق ه f-q-h Islamic jurisprudence sound 0.04% 88.7%
406 ك ش ف k-sh-f uncovering sound 0.04% 88.7%
407 ل ع ب l-‘a-b playing sound 0.04% 88.8%
408 م ر ي m-r-y arguing defective 0.04% 88.8%
409 ن خ ل n-kh-l palms sound 0.04% 88.8%
410 ن ز ع n-z-‘a removing, fighting sound 0.04% 88.9%
411 ن ف خ n-f-kh filling with air, inflating sound 0.04% 88.9%
412 س ع ر s-‘a-r prices sound 0.04% 89.0%
413 ب ل د b-l-d countries sound 0.04% 89.0%
414 ث م ن th-m-n value sound 0.04% 89.0%
415 ر ش د r-sh-d guidance sound 0.04% 89.1%
416 ص و ر S-w-r pictures hollow 0.04% 89.1%
417 ط ل ع T-l-‘a appearing, examining sound 0.04% 89.2%
418 غ ر ب gh-r-b West sound 0.04% 89.2%
419 ف ك ه f-k-h merriness, cheerfulness sound 0.04% 89.2%
420 ث ب ت th-b-t stability sound 0.04% 89.3%
421 ح ص ن H-S-n fortification, inaccessibility sound 0.04% 89.3%
422 خ ص م kh-S-m rivals sound 0.04% 89.4%
423 د ب ب d-b-b (various) geminate 0.04% 89.4%
424 ر ء س r-’a-s heads hamzated 0.04% 89.4%
425 ف ر ض f-r-D imposing, assuming sound 0.04% 89.5%
426 ف ك ر f-k-r ideas sound 0.04% 89.5%
427 ل د ن l-d-n softness, suppleness sound 0.04% 89.6%
428 م ك ن m-k-n ability, place sound 0.04% 89.6%
429 م ل ل m-l-l boredom geminate 0.04% 89.6%
430 ن ف ر n-f-r (various) sound 0.04% 89.7%
431 ن و ب n-w-b deputies, delegations hollow 0.04% 89.7%
432 س و ر s-w-r chapter of the Quran, enclosing hollow 0.03% 89.7%
433 س و ق s-w-q markets, driving hollow 0.03% 89.8%
434 ء و ب ’a-w-b returning hollow, hamzated 0.03% 89.8%
435 ب و ء b-w-’a surroundings hollow, hamzated 0.03% 89.8%
436 خ ش ع kh-sh-‘a humility sound 0.03% 89.9%
437 خ ف ف kh-f-f being light geminate 0.03% 89.9%
438 ر ب ص r-b-S waiting for sound 0.03% 89.9%
439 ز ع م z-‘a-m leading, alleging sound 0.03% 90.0%
440 ش ر ق sh-r-q the East sound 0.03% 90.0%
441 ص ف و S-f-w clarity, sincerity defective 0.03% 90.0%
442 ع و ذ ‘a-w-dh refuge, protection hollow 0.03% 90.0%
443 م د ن m-d-n cities sound 0.03% 90.1%
444 م ن ع m-n-‘a preventing sound 0.03% 90.1%
445 ن ق م n-q-m revenge sound 0.03% 90.1%
446 س ط ر s-T-r lines, rows sound 0.03% 90.2%
447 ج ه ر j-h-r bringing to light, public sound 0.03% 90.2%
448 ح ب ط H-b-T failing sound 0.03% 90.2%
449 خ ب ث kh-b-th wickedness sound 0.03% 90.3%
450 خ و ن kh-w-n betrayal hollow 0.03% 90.3%
451 ع ت د ‘a-t-d readiness sound 0.03% 90.3%
452 ع ل ن ‘a-l-n declaring sound 0.03% 90.3%
453 غ د و gh-d-w feeding, nourishment defective 0.03% 90.4%
454 غ ل ل gh-l-l (various) geminate 0.03% 90.4%
455 ف ء د f-’a-d hearts hamzated 0.03% 90.4%
456 ك ي ل k-y-l measurement hollow 0.03% 90.5%
457 ل ب ب l-b-b (various) geminate 0.03% 90.5%
458 ل ه و l-h-w amusement, entertainment defective 0.03% 90.5%
459 م ه د m-h-d smoothing, making easy sound 0.03% 90.6%
460 س و م s-w-m affliction hollow 0.03% 90.6%
461 ب د ء b-d-’a beginning hamzated 0.03% 90.6%
462 ب ي ع b-y-‘a selling hollow 0.03% 90.6%
463 ح ر ج H-r-j tightness, narrowness sound 0.03% 90.7%
464 ح ر ر H-r-r freedom geminate 0.03% 90.7%
465 ر ك ب r-k-b riding, perpetrating sound 0.03% 90.7%
466 ش ك ك sh-k-k doubt, piercing geminate 0.03% 90.8%
467 ص م م S-m-m deafness geminate 0.03% 90.8%
468 ك ف ف k-f-f stopping geminate 0.03% 90.8%
469 م ط ر m-T-r rain sound 0.03% 90.9%
470 ث و ي th-w-y staying, settling hollow, defective 0.03% 90.9%
471 ح ر ث H-r-th plowing sound 0.03% 90.9%
472 ر ج م r-j-m cursing, stoning sound 0.03% 90.9%
473 ر س و r-s-w anchoring defective 0.03% 91.0%
474 ز ر ع z-r-‘a farming sound 0.03% 91.0%
475 ص ف ف S-f-f arrangement, characterization geminate 0.03% 91.0%
476 ص و م S-w-m fasting hollow 0.03% 91.1%
477 ع ش و ‘a-sh-w darkness, dim-sightedness defective 0.03% 91.1%
478 ع ط و ‘a-T-w giving defective 0.03% 91.1%
479 ف ق ر f-q-r poverty sound 0.03% 91.2%
480 ل و م l-w-m censure, blame hollow 0.03% 91.2%
481 و ص ف w-S-f description assimilated 0.03% 91.2%
482 و ل ج w-l-j entering, penetration assimilated 0.03% 91.2%
483 ء ب ي ’a-b-y rejection defective, hamzated 0.03% 91.3%
484 ي ء س y-’a-s renunciation, despair assimilated, hamzated 0.03% 91.3%
485 ب غ ت b-gh-t surprise sound 0.03% 91.3%
486 ج ل د j-l-d (various) sound 0.03% 91.4%
487 ج و ر j-w-r proximity hollow 0.03% 91.4%
488 ح ل ف H-l-f alliances sound 0.03% 91.4%
489 ح و ر H-w-r conversation hollow 0.03% 91.5%
490 خ ز ن kh-z-n storing sound 0.03% 91.5%
491 خ ل ل kh-l-l during, disturbance geminate 0.03% 91.5%
492 ر ء ف r-’a-f mercy hamzated 0.03% 91.5%
493 ر ك ع r-k-‘a kneeling, bowing (in prayer) sound 0.03% 91.6%
494 ش ه و sh-h-w desire, greed defective 0.03% 91.6%
495 ص غ ر S-gh-r being small sound 0.03% 91.6%
496 ص ي ح S-y-H shouting hollow 0.03% 91.7%
497 ض ي ق D-y-q narrowness hollow 0.03% 91.7%
498 ط م ن T-m-n calmness sound 0.03% 91.7%
499 ع ص م ‘a-S-m protection, capitals sound 0.03% 91.8%
500 غ ل ظ gh-l-DH thickness, roughness sound 0.03% 91.8%