Click on selected rows to see the roots' most common words.

Open Source Arabic Corpora (OSAC) is a group of corpuses assembled by Professors Motaz Saad and Wesam Ashour, and is available for download here. OSAC contains 22,429 texts that include 20.6 million words. The texts are classified into 10 categories: economic, history, education and family, religious and fatwas, sport, health, astronomy, law, stories, and cooking recipes.

The 500 most common roots in the Open Source Arabic Corpora are as follows:

Rank Root Trans. Usually denotes Root type Frequency Cumulative freq.
1 ك و ن k-w-n being, existence hollow 1.46% 1.46%
2 ء ل ه ’a-l-h God hamzated 1.28% 2.74%
3 ع ل م ‘a-l-m knowledge sound 1.06% 3.8%
4 س ل م s-l-m peace, Islam sound 1.03% 4.83%
5 ق و ل q-w-l speaking hollow 1.02% 5.85%
6 ب ن ي b-n-y children defective 0.94% 6.78%
7 د ع و d-‘a-w invitation, call to prayer defective 0.88% 7.66%
8 ع م ل ‘a-m-l work sound 0.77% 8.44%
9 ج م ع j-m-‘a gathering sound 0.75% 9.19%
10 ب ي ن b-y-n (various) hollow 0.59% 9.78%
11 و ق ع w-q-‘a location assimilated 0.57% 10.3%
12 ب ع د b-‘a-d after, far sound 0.56% 10.9%
13 ف ت و f-t-w children, legal opinions defective 0.55% 11.4%
14 ق و م q-w-m (various) hollow 0.54% 12.0%
15 ح ك م H-k-m power, judging sound 0.54% 12.5%
16 ك ل ل k-l-l every, all geminate 0.54% 13.0%
17 ز و ج z-w-j marriage hollow 0.53% 13.6%
18 ح و ل H-w-l trying, transforming hollow 0.53% 14.1%
19 ق ب ل q-b-l (various) sound 0.51% 14.6%
20 د و ر d-w-r turn, role hollow 0.5% 15.1%
21 ء خ ر ’a-kh-r following, other, last hamzated 0.5% 15.6%
22 ع ل و ‘a-l-w being high or exalted defective 0.48% 16.1%
23 ح م د H-m-d praise sound 0.48% 16.6%
24 ك ت ب k-t-b writing sound 0.48% 17.0%
25 ح ق ق H-q-q truth, rights geminate 0.47% 17.5%
26 ح د ث H-d-th event, to happen sound 0.47% 18.0%
27 ع و د ‘a-w-d returning hollow 0.46% 18.4%
28 ع د د ‘a-d-d number, counting geminate 0.45% 18.9%
29 غ ي ر gh-y-r difference, negation hollow 0.45% 19.3%
30 ك ث ر k-th-r plentifulness sound 0.45% 19.8%
31 ء م م ’a-m-m mother, nation geminate, hamzated 0.44% 20.2%
32 ء م ر ’a-m-r prince, ordering hamzated 0.44% 20.7%
33 ر س ل r-s-l message sound 0.41% 21.1%
34 د و ل d-w-l state hollow 0.41% 21.5%
35 ن ف س n-f-s the soul, self sound 0.4% 21.9%
36 ش ر ك sh-r-k participation, company sound 0.4% 22.3%
37 و ح د w-H-d the number one, unity assimilated 0.39% 22.7%
38 ط ب ب T-b-b health geminate 0.38% 23.1%
39 ر ء س r-’a-s head hamzated 0.38% 23.4%
40 ج د د j-d-d being new geminate 0.37% 23.8%
41 ص ل و S-l-w prayer defective 0.37% 24.2%
42 ي و م y-w-m days assimilated, hollow 0.36% 24.5%
43 ق د م q-d-m (various) sound 0.36% 24.9%
44 ن ظ ر n-DH-r seeing, looking sound 0.36% 25.3%
45 خ ي ر kh-y-r good, better hollow 0.35% 25.6%
46 ز ي د z-y-d increasing hollow 0.35% 26.0%
47 ك ب ر k-b-r being big sound 0.33% 26.3%
48 س ع د s-‘a-d happiness, help sound 0.33% 26.6%
49 س م و s-m-w name, height defective 0.33% 26.9%
50 خ ل ف kh-l-f difference, following sound 0.31% 27.3%
51 ع و م ‘a-w-m year hollow 0.31% 27.6%
52 و ج د w-j-d finding assimilated 0.31% 27.9%
53 ب ح ث b-H-th searching, discussion sound 0.31% 28.2%
54 م ث ل m-th-l similarity sound 0.31% 28.5%
55 و ض ع w-D-‘a situation, subjects assimilated 0.31% 28.8%
56 ط ل ب T-l-b requesting, demanding sound 0.31% 29.1%
57 و ص ل w-S-l arriving assimilated 0.3% 29.4%
58 ب ع ض b-‘a-D some sound 0.3% 29.7%
59 م ر ر m-r-r passing, continuing geminate 0.3% 30.0%
60 م ل ك m-l-k kings sound 0.3% 30.3%
61 م د د m-d-d extent geminate 0.3% 30.6%
62 س ء ل s-’a-l question hamzated 0.3% 30.9%
63 ء و ل ’a-w-l first hollow, hamzated 0.3% 31.2%
64 و ج ه w-j-h faces assimilated 0.29% 31.5%
65 د ي ن d-y-n religion, debt hollow 0.28% 31.8%
66 ث ن ي th-n-y the number two, exception defective 0.28% 32.1%
67 خ د م kh-d-m serving, using sound 0.28% 32.3%
68 خ ص ص kh-S-S special, expertise geminate 0.28% 32.6%
69 ح ي ي H-y-y life geminate, hollow, defective 0.28% 32.9%
70 ء م ن ’a-m-n security, trust hamzated 0.27% 33.2%
71 د خ ل d-kh-l entering sound 0.27% 33.4%
72 ق ر ء q-r-’a reading hamzated 0.27% 33.7%
73 ع ن د ‘a-n-d with, near, has sound 0.26% 34.0%
74 ذ ك ر dh-k-r memory, masculinity sound 0.26% 34.2%
75 ر ء ي r-’a-y seeing, opinion defective, hamzated 0.26% 34.5%
76 ص د ر S-d-r putting out, exporting sound 0.26% 34.8%
77 ع ر ف ‘a-r-f knowledge sound 0.26% 35.0%
78 ع ر ب ‘a-r-b Arab sound 0.26% 35.3%
79 ف ع ل f-‘a-l doing, actions sound 0.26% 35.5%
80 ش ر ع sh-r-‘a (various) sound 0.26% 35.8%
81 ش ك ل sh-k-l formation sound 0.26% 36.1%
82 ع ل ق ‘a-l-q connection sound 0.26% 36.3%
83 ر ج ل r-j-l man sound 0.25% 36.6%
84 ع ض و ‘a-D-w membership defective 0.25% 36.8%
85 ء ر خ ’a-r-kh history, date hamzated 0.24% 37.1%
86 ء ث ر ’a-th-r effect, influence hamzated 0.24% 37.3%
87 ح ر م H-r-m respect, forbidden sound 0.24% 37.5%
88 د ر س d-r-s studying sound 0.24% 37.8%
89 ء ب و ’a-b-w father defective, hamzated 0.24% 38.0%
90 خ ر ج kh-r-j leaving sound 0.23% 38.2%
91 ن ه ي n-h-y ending defective 0.23% 38.5%
92 ق ر ر q-r-r decisions geminate 0.23% 38.7%
93 م ر ض m-r-D sickness sound 0.23% 38.9%
94 ق د ر q-d-r amount, power sound 0.22% 39.2%
95 ح س ب H-s-b according to sound 0.22% 39.4%
96 ش و ر sh-w-r consultation, indication hollow 0.22% 39.6%
97 خ ب ر kh-b-r news, expertise sound 0.22% 39.8%
98 ح ف ظ H-f-DH memory sound 0.22% 40.0%
99 و ج ب w-j-b necessity, duty assimilated 0.22% 40.3%
100 ط ر ق T-r-q road, way sound 0.22% 40.5%
101 ع ب د ‘a-b-d servant, worship sound 0.22% 40.7%
102 س ب ب s-b-b reason geminate 0.22% 40.9%
103 ع ر ض ‘a-r-D (various) sound 0.22% 41.1%
104 ح س ن H-s-n goodness sound 0.22% 41.4%
105 ق ص د q-S-d economy, intentions sound 0.22% 41.6%
106 و ل د w-l-d parents, childbirth assimilated 0.22% 41.8%
107 ع م ر ‘a-m-r (various) sound 0.21% 42.0%
108 ص ح ب S-H-b accompanying sound 0.21% 42.2%
109 س ي ر s-y-r moving hollow 0.21% 42.4%
110 ر ب و r-b-w upbringing, growing defective 0.21% 42.6%
111 ص ح ح S-H-H correctness, health geminate 0.21% 42.8%
112 ص ف ح S-f-H pages, perusing sound 0.21% 43.1%
113 ع ب ر ‘a-b-r crossing sound 0.21% 43.3%
114 ر د د r-d-d replying geminate 0.21% 43.5%
115 و ق ت w-q-t time assimilated 0.21% 43.7%
116 ن ب ء n-b-’a prophecy, news hamzated 0.21% 43.9%
117 ن س ب n-s-b relation sound 0.2% 44.1%
118 ت م م t-m-m completion geminate 0.2% 44.3%
119 م و ل m-w-l money hollow 0.2% 44.5%
120 ح د د H-d-d limit, stopping, intensity geminate 0.2% 44.7%
121 ظ ه ر DH-h-r appearance sound 0.2% 44.9%
122 س و ي s-w-y being straight or level hollow, defective 0.2% 45.1%
123 ص ل ح S-l-H upright, reform sound 0.2% 45.3%
124 ض ي ف D-y-f guest hollow 0.2% 45.5%
125 و ف ق w-f-q agreement assimilated 0.2% 45.7%
126 و ق ف w-q-f stopping, standing assimilated 0.2% 45.9%
127 ح ب ب H-b-b love geminate 0.2% 46.1%
128 ش ي ء sh-y-’a thing, to will hollow, hamzated 0.2% 46.3%
129 ح ل ل H-l-l (various) geminate 0.2% 46.5%
130 خ ل ل kh-l-l during, disturbance geminate 0.2% 46.7%
131 ف ي د f-y-d usefulness hollow 0.2% 46.9%
132 ث ل ث th-l-th the number three sound 0.2% 47.1%
133 ف ك ر f-k-r ideas sound 0.2% 47.3%
134 ب د ء b-d-’a beginning hamzated 0.2% 47.5%
135 و ل ي w-l-y being in charge, following assimilated, defective 0.19% 47.7%
136 ء ح د ’a-H-d one, unity hamzated 0.19% 47.9%
137 ر ح م r-H-m mercy sound 0.19% 48.1%
138 س ن و s-n-w year defective 0.19% 48.3%
139 ع م م ‘a-m-m (various) geminate 0.19% 48.5%
140 ف ض ل f-D-l preference, superiority sound 0.19% 48.6%
141 ن ظ م n-DH-m organization sound 0.19% 48.8%
142 ق ص ص q-S-S stories, cutting geminate 0.19% 49.0%
143 ق ل ل q-l-l being less then geminate 0.19% 49.2%
144 ع د م ‘a-d-m lack of sound 0.18% 49.4%
145 ق ط ع q-T-‘a cutting sound 0.18% 49.6%
146 ع ن ي ‘a-n-y meaning, suffering defective 0.18% 49.8%
147 س ب ق s-b-q preceding sound 0.18% 49.9%
148 ش ه ر sh-h-r month sound 0.18% 50.1%
149 ر ف ع r-f-‘a raising sound 0.18% 50.3%
150 س ه م s-h-m share, arrows sound 0.18% 50.5%
151 ن د و n-d-w announcing defective 0.18% 50.7%
152 س ج ل s-j-l recording sound 0.18% 50.8%
153 ط ف ل T-f-l children sound 0.18% 51.0%
154 ج ن ب j-n-b side, avoiding sound 0.18% 51.2%
155 ر و د r-w-d wanting hollow 0.18% 51.4%
156 ق ض ي q-D-y (various) defective 0.17% 51.5%
157 ر ج ع r-j-‘a returning sound 0.17% 51.7%
158 ن س و n-s-w women defective 0.17% 51.9%
159 ن ت ج n-t-j results, output sound 0.17% 52.1%
160 س و ق s-w-q market, driving hollow 0.17% 52.2%
161 ح م ل H-m-l carrying sound 0.17% 52.4%
162 ب ل غ b-l-gh reaching, attaining sound 0.17% 52.6%
163 ل ق ي l-q-y meeting defective 0.17% 52.7%
164 ن ش ر n-sh-r publishing sound 0.17% 52.9%
165 ج و ز j-w-z permitting hollow 0.17% 53.1%
166 ح ض ر H-D-r presence, civilization sound 0.17% 53.2%
167 ش ع ر sh-‘a-r feeling, poetry sound 0.17% 53.4%
168 ء خ و ’a-kh-w sibling defective, hamzated 0.17% 53.6%
169 ط ب ع T-b-‘a printing sound 0.17% 53.8%
170 ر ق م r-q-m number sound 0.17% 53.9%
171 ع ق د ‘a-q-d signing sound 0.16% 54.1%
172 ه م م h-m-m importance, concern geminate 0.16% 54.2%
173 ء س س ’a-s-s founding geminate, hamzated 0.16% 54.4%
174 ر ك ز r-k-z concentration sound 0.16% 54.6%
175 ف ر ق f-r-q difference sound 0.16% 54.7%
176 ق و ي q-w-y strength hollow, defective 0.16% 54.9%
177 ل ع ب l-‘a-b playing sound 0.16% 55.0%
178 ج ل س j-l-s sitting sound 0.16% 55.2%
179 ت ب ع t-b-‘a following sound 0.16% 55.4%
180 ز و ر z-w-r visiting hollow 0.15% 55.5%
181 غ ر ب gh-r-b West sound 0.15% 55.7%
182 ق و ع q-w-‘a large rooms, halls hollow 0.15% 55.8%
183 ب ي ت b-y-t houses hollow 0.15% 56.0%
184 م ص ر m-S-r Egypt sound 0.15% 56.1%
185 ب ل د b-l-d country sound 0.15% 56.3%
186 ع ش ر ‘a-sh-r the number ten, tribes sound 0.15% 56.4%
187 ع د ل ‘a-d-l justice sound 0.15% 56.6%
188 ن ط ق n-T-q pronouncing sound 0.15% 56.7%
189 ع ل ج ‘a-l-j treatment sound 0.15% 56.9%
190 ط ل ق T-l-q release sound 0.15% 57.0%
191 ص د ق S-d-q friendship, truth sound 0.15% 57.2%
192 ء خ ذ ’a-kh-dh taking hamzated 0.15% 57.3%
193 ك ي ف k-y-f how, condition hollow 0.15% 57.5%
194 ص و ر S-w-r picture hollow 0.15% 57.6%
195 ر ب ع r-b-‘a the number four sound 0.14% 57.7%
196 ر ت ب r-t-b arranging, salary sound 0.14% 57.9%
197 ه د ف h-d-f goals sound 0.14% 58.0%
198 ع ص ر ‘a-S-r (various) sound 0.14% 58.2%
199 ش ه د sh-h-d witnessing sound 0.14% 58.3%
200 ن ق ل n-q-l moving, transportation sound 0.14% 58.4%
201 ش خ ص sh-kh-S people sound 0.14% 58.6%
202 ر و ح r-w-H the soul hollow 0.14% 58.7%
203 ح ر ر H-r-r freedom geminate 0.14% 58.9%
204 ق ل ب q-l-b hearts sound 0.14% 59.0%
205 س و د s-w-d the color black hollow 0.14% 59.1%
206 ن و س n-w-s people, mankind hollow 0.14% 59.3%
207 ع ي ن ‘a-y-n eye hollow 0.14% 59.4%
208 ر ب ب r-b-b Lord geminate 0.14% 59.6%
209 ء س ر ’a-s-r captivity hamzated 0.14% 59.7%
210 ق ر ب q-r-b proximity sound 0.14% 59.8%
211 ف ت ح f-t-H opening, conquest sound 0.13% 60.0%
212 س و س s-w-s politics hollow 0.13% 60.1%
213 ع ظ م ‘a-DH-m greatness sound 0.13% 60.2%
214 ح ي ن H-y-n when, time, arriving hollow 0.13% 60.4%
215 ق س م q-s-m division sound 0.13% 60.5%
216 ش ي خ sh-y-kh sheikh, old age hollow 0.13% 60.6%
217 ء ل ف ’a-l-f the number 1,000 hamzated 0.13% 60.8%
218 ن و ع n-w-‘a diversity, types hollow 0.13% 60.9%
219 ط و ل T-w-l height, length hollow 0.13% 61.0%
220 ح و ج H-w-j need hollow 0.13% 61.2%
221 ء ن س ’a-n-s humans hamzated 0.13% 61.3%
222 د و ن d-w-n without, recording hollow 0.13% 61.4%
223 ص غ ر S-gh-r being small sound 0.13% 61.5%
224 ء ر ض ’a-r-D land hamzated 0.13% 61.7%
225 ن ص ر n-S-r victory sound 0.13% 61.8%
226 ي د y-d hands biliteral 0.13% 61.9%
227 ص ب ح S-b-H becoming, morning sound 0.13% 62.1%
228 ق ت ل q-t-l killing sound 0.13% 62.2%
229 ص ر ف S-r-f spending, behavior sound 0.12% 62.3%
230 س ب ع s-b-‘a the number seven sound 0.12% 62.4%
231 ط و ع T-w-‘a being able, obeying hollow 0.12% 62.6%
232 د ف ع d-f-‘a pushing, paying sound 0.12% 62.7%
233 ر ض ي r-D-y contentment defective 0.12% 62.8%
234 ج و ل j-w-l wandering, area hollow 0.12% 62.9%
235 ت ر ك t-r-k leaving sound 0.12% 63.0%
236 ق ن ن q-n-n law geminate 0.12% 63.2%
237 ش ب ب sh-b-b youth geminate 0.12% 63.3%
238 م ي ل m-y-l inclining, leaning hollow 0.12% 63.4%
239 ح و ر H-w-r conversation hollow 0.12% 63.5%
240 ر ب ط r-b-T tie, link sound 0.12% 63.6%
241 ر ح ل r-H-l leaving, expelling sound 0.12% 63.7%
242 ذ ه ب dh-h-b going sound 0.12% 63.9%
243 ن ح و n-H-w towards defective 0.12% 64.0%
244 ق و د q-w-d leading hollow 0.12% 64.1%
245 ك م ل k-m-l completion sound 0.12% 64.2%
246 خ ط ط kh-T-T drawing, planning geminate 0.12% 64.4%
247 ف ص ل f-S-l details, separation sound 0.12% 64.5%
248 ب ح ر b-H-r the ocean sound 0.11% 64.6%
249 ب ر م ج b-r-m-j program quadriliteral 0.11% 64.7%
250 ض ع ف D-‘a-f weakness, doubling sound 0.11% 64.8%
251 ج ه د j-h-d effort sound 0.11% 64.9%
252 ج م ل j-m-l beauty sound 0.11% 65.0%
253 ح ر ك H-r-k movement sound 0.11% 65.1%
254 ح ج ج H-j-j pilgrimage, protest geminate 0.11% 65.2%
255 ب ق ي b-q-y remaining defective 0.11% 65.4%
256 ن ش ط n-sh-T activity sound 0.11% 65.5%
257 د ق ق d-q-q precision geminate 0.11% 65.6%
258 ش ر ط sh-r-T condition, stipulation sound 0.11% 65.7%
259 ب ش ر b-sh-r good news, rejoicing sound 0.11% 65.8%
260 ء ت ي ’a-t-y coming defective, hamzated 0.11% 65.9%
261 ص و ب S-w-b aiming hollow 0.11% 66.0%
262 خ م س kh-m-s the number five sound 0.11% 66.1%
263 ص ن ع S-n-‘a production sound 0.11% 66.2%
264 م ك ن m-k-n ability, place sound 0.11% 66.3%
265 م د ن m-d-n cities sound 0.11% 66.5%
266 ش ر ف sh-r-f honor, nobility sound 0.11% 66.6%
267 خ ل ق kh-l-q creation sound 0.11% 66.7%
268 ن ز ل n-z-l leaving sound 0.11% 66.8%
269 م ض ي m-D-y the past defective 0.11% 66.9%
270 ج ع ل j-‘a-l making sound 0.1% 67.0%
271 ك ف ي k-f-y sufficing defective 0.1% 67.1%
272 ف ق ه f-q-h Islamic jurisprudence sound 0.1% 67.2%
273 و س ع w-s-‘a width assimilated 0.1% 67.3%
274 ء د ي ’a-d-y performance, leading defective, hamzated 0.1% 67.4%
275 ء ه ل ’a-h-l people hamzated 0.1% 67.5%
276 ح ص ل H-S-l obtaining sound 0.1% 67.6%
277 د ل ل d-l-l evidence, indicating geminate 0.1% 67.7%
278 ن م و n-m-w growth defective 0.1% 67.8%
279 ن ق ط n-q-T points sound 0.1% 67.9%
280 ك ش ف k-sh-f uncovering sound 0.1% 68.0%
281 ء و ن ’a-w-n time hollow, hamzated 0.1% 68.1%
282 و س ط w-s-T being in the middle assimilated 0.1% 68.2%
283 ش د د sh-d-d intense, strong geminate 0.1% 68.3%
284 ك ر م k-r-m nobility, generosity sound 0.1% 68.4%
285 س م ع s-m-‘a listening sound 0.1% 68.5%
286 ت ج ر t-j-r commerce sound 0.1% 68.6%
287 م ي ز m-y-z distinguishing hollow 0.1% 68.7%
288 غ س ل gh-s-l washing sound 0.1% 68.8%
289 ش ع ب sh-‘a-b people sound 0.1% 68.9%
290 ج ر ي j-r-y occurring defective 0.1% 69.0%
291 ن خ ب n-kh-b elites sound 0.1% 69.1%
292 خ ط ر kh-T-r (various) sound 0.1% 69.2%
293 ع ز ز ‘a-z-z dear, precious geminate 0.1% 69.3%
294 ض ر ر D-r-r coercion, damage geminate 0.09% 69.4%
295 م ن ع m-n-‘a preventing sound 0.09% 69.5%
296 س ن ن s-n-n the Sunna geminate 0.09% 69.6%
297 ض ر ب D-r-b striking, hitting sound 0.09% 69.6%
298 ث م ر th-m-r investment sound 0.09% 69.7%
299 ف ت ر f-t-r period of time sound 0.09% 69.8%
300 ع د و ‘a-d-w enemies defective 0.09% 69.9%
301 و ط ن w-T-n nations, citizenship assimilated 0.09% 70.0%
302 ط ل ع T-l-‘a appearing, examining sound 0.09% 70.1%
303 ع ر ق ‘a-r-q ancestry, Iraq sound 0.09% 70.2%
304 ف ن ن f-n-n art, specialty geminate 0.09% 70.3%
305 ص و ت S-w-t voice hollow 0.09% 70.4%
306 و ز ر w-z-r ministers assimilated 0.09% 70.5%
307 ق ي م q-y-m values hollow 0.09% 70.5%
308 ن و ر n-w-r light hollow 0.09% 70.6%
309 س ع ر s-‘a-r price sound 0.09% 70.7%
310 ج ن س j-n-s sex, type sound 0.09% 70.8%
311 س ل ط s-l-T power, authority sound 0.09% 70.9%
312 ث و ر th-w-r agitation, revolution hollow 0.09% 71.0%
313 ش ب ك sh-b-k window, network, clash sound 0.09% 71.1%
314 ج ي ء j-y-’a coming hollow, hamzated 0.09% 71.2%
315 م ر س m-r-s practicing sound 0.09% 71.3%
316 ب ر د b-r-d coldness, mail sound 0.09% 71.4%
317 ج و ب j-w-b replying hollow 0.09% 71.4%
318 س ر ر s-r-r delight geminate 0.09% 71.5%
319 د ر ج d-r-j level, category sound 0.09% 71.6%
320 ج و د j-w-d proficiency hollow 0.09% 71.7%
321 و ز ن w-z-n weight, balance assimilated 0.08% 71.8%
322 ع ط و ‘a-T-w giving defective 0.08% 71.9%
323 ك ل م k-l-m words, speaking sound 0.08% 72.0%
324 ج ل ل j-l-l majesty geminate 0.08% 72.0%
325 خ ل ط kh-l-T mixing sound 0.08% 72.1%
326 ه ي ء h-y-’a preparation hollow, hamzated 0.08% 72.2%
327 ش ر ق sh-r-q the East sound 0.08% 72.3%
328 ب ط ل b-T-l heroism, unemployment sound 0.08% 72.4%
329 ب ي ع b-y-‘a selling hollow 0.08% 72.4%
330 و ظ ف w-DH-f employment assimilated 0.08% 72.5%
331 ء ك د ’a-k-d confirmation hamzated 0.08% 72.6%
332 ع ي د ‘a-y-d celebration hollow 0.08% 72.7%
333 ض م ن D-m-n being within, including sound 0.08% 72.8%
334 ع ق ل ‘a-q-l mind, rationality sound 0.08% 72.8%
335 و ض ح w-D-H clarity assimilated 0.08% 72.9%
336 س و ع s-w-‘a hour hollow 0.08% 73.0%
337 ع م د ‘a-m-d reliance, intention sound 0.08% 73.1%
338 ط ب ق T-b-q (various) sound 0.08% 73.2%
339 ع ل ن ‘a-l-n declaring sound 0.08% 73.2%
340 ع ق ب ‘a-q-b following, punishment sound 0.08% 73.3%
341 ء د ب ’a-d-b etiquette, literature hamzated 0.08% 73.4%
342 و ر د w-r-d sources, resources assimilated 0.08% 73.5%
343 د م م d-m-m blood geminate 0.08% 73.6%
344 ن ش ء n-sh-’a establishing hamzated 0.08% 73.6%
345 خ ط ب kh-T-b speech sound 0.08% 73.7%
346 ج ز ر j-z-r island, Algeria sound 0.08% 73.8%
347 ل ز م l-z-m commitment sound 0.08% 73.9%
348 ب ر ي b-r-y competition defective 0.08% 74.0%
349 ن ف ذ n-f-dh implementing, penetrating sound 0.08% 74.0%
350 ز و ل z-w-l ceasing hollow 0.08% 74.1%
351 ه د ي h-d-y guidance, gifts defective 0.08% 74.2%
352 ع ي ش ‘a-y-sh life hollow 0.08% 74.3%
353 س ر ع s-r-‘a speed sound 0.08% 74.4%
354 ر و ي r-w-y narration hollow, defective 0.07% 74.4%
355 ش م ل sh-m-l north, containing sound 0.07% 74.5%
356 ش ء ن sh-’a-n matter, affair hamzated 0.07% 74.6%
357 م و ت m-w-t death hollow 0.07% 74.6%
358 ف ر د f-r-d individual sound 0.07% 74.7%
359 س ل ب s-l-b depriving, robbing sound 0.07% 74.8%
360 م و ه m-w-h water hollow 0.07% 74.8%
361 ل ح ظ l-H-DH noticing sound 0.07% 74.9%
362 ق ر ن q-r-n comparison, centuries sound 0.07% 75.0%
363 س ل ل s-l-l ancestry geminate 0.07% 75.1%
364 ح ر ب H-r-b war sound 0.07% 75.1%
365 غ ل ب gh-l-b overcoming, winning sound 0.07% 75.2%
366 ع و ن ‘a-w-n aid, assistance hollow 0.07% 75.3%
367 ن ص ح n-S-H advice sound 0.07% 75.3%
368 د و م d-w-m permanence hollow 0.07% 75.4%
369 س و ء s-w-’a badness hollow, hamzated 0.07% 75.5%
370 ز م ن z-m-n time sound 0.07% 75.5%
371 و ص ف w-S-f description assimilated 0.07% 75.6%
372 ع ن و ن ‘a-n-w-n title quadriliteral 0.07% 75.7%
373 ث ق ف th-q-f culture sound 0.07% 75.8%
374 و س ل w-s-l ways, means assimilated 0.07% 75.8%
375 ء ج ل ’a-j-l delay hamzated 0.07% 75.9%
376 ن ص ف n-S-f half sound 0.07% 76.0%
377 ء ص ل ’a-S-l origin hamzated 0.07% 76.0%
378 ر غ م r-gh-m despite sound 0.07% 76.1%
379 ف و ز f-w-z winning hollow 0.07% 76.2%
380 ث ب ت th-b-t stability sound 0.07% 76.2%
381 ء ك ل ’a-k-l eating hamzated 0.07% 76.3%
382 ن ه ج n-h-j methods, programs sound 0.07% 76.4%
383 و ف ي w-f-y fulfillment assimilated, defective 0.07% 76.5%
384 خ ف ض kh-f-D decreasing sound 0.07% 76.5%
385 ج ن ن j-n-n (various) geminate 0.07% 76.6%
386 ع ه د ‘a-h-d (various) sound 0.07% 76.7%
387 ع ب س ‘a-b-s Abbas, Abbasids sound 0.07% 76.7%
388 ط و ر T-w-r development hollow 0.07% 76.8%
389 ح ج ز H-j-z reserving, detaining sound 0.07% 76.9%
390 ر و ض r-w-D math, sports hollow 0.07% 76.9%
391 ح ر ق H-r-q burning sound 0.07% 77.0%
392 ر ك ب r-k-b riding, perpetrating sound 0.06% 77.1%
393 ص ح ف S-H-f journalism sound 0.06% 77.1%
394 ب د ل b-d-l exchanging sound 0.06% 77.2%
395 ء ش ر ’a-sh-r indication hamzated 0.06% 77.3%
396 ض غ ط D-gh-T pressure sound 0.06% 77.3%
397 ب ر ك b-r-k blessing sound 0.06% 77.4%
398 ن ق ش n-q-sh debate, sculpture sound 0.06% 77.4%
399 ش ر ي sh-r-y buying defective 0.06% 77.5%
400 ء ز م ’a-z-m crisis hamzated 0.06% 77.6%
401 ب و ب b-w-b door, gate hollow 0.06% 77.6%
402 ك ر و k-r-w balls defective 0.06% 77.7%
403 ط ع م T-‘a-m taste sound 0.06% 77.7%
404 ت ل و t-l-w following, reciting defective 0.06% 77.8%
405 ق ص ر q-S-r being short or small, castles sound 0.06% 77.9%
406 ل غ و l-gh-w language, cancelation defective 0.06% 77.9%
407 خ ل ج kh-l-j The Gulf sound 0.06% 78.0%
408 ف و ق f-w-q being above hollow 0.06% 78.0%
409 ج س م j-s-m body, form sound 0.06% 78.1%
410 ح ج ب H-j-b veil sound 0.06% 78.2%
411 ء م ل ’a-m-l hope hamzated 0.06% 78.2%
412 ح و ط H-w-T surrounding, ocean hollow 0.06% 78.3%
413 ج ز ء j-z-’a part, section hamzated 0.06% 78.3%
414 ر س م r-s-m drawing sound 0.06% 78.4%
415 ك ف ر k-f-r disbelief sound 0.06% 78.5%
416 س ه ل s-h-l ease sound 0.06% 78.5%
417 ن ج ح n-j-H success sound 0.06% 78.6%
418 و ف ر w-f-r abundance assimilated 0.06% 78.6%
419 و ث ق w-th-q trust, documents assimilated 0.06% 78.7%
420 ر ع ي r-‘a-y caring for defective 0.06% 78.8%
421 س ج د s-j-d mosque, prostration sound 0.06% 78.8%
422 ح و ي H-w-y inclusion hollow, defective 0.06% 78.9%
423 ج ه ز j-h-z equipment sound 0.06% 78.9%
424 خ ل ص kh-l-S purity, ridding of sound 0.06% 79.0%
425 خ ل و kh-l-w emptiness defective 0.06% 79.1%
426 م س ح m-s-H erasure sound 0.06% 79.1%
427 خ س ر kh-s-r loss sound 0.06% 79.2%
428 د ر ب d-r-b training, path sound 0.06% 79.2%
429 ن ف ق n-f-q expense, hypocrisy sound 0.05% 79.3%
430 ل ج ن l-j-n committees sound 0.05% 79.3%
431 ن س ي n-s-y forgetting defective 0.05% 79.4%
432 ح ذ ر H-dh-r warning sound 0.05% 79.4%
433 ش م س sh-m-s sun sound 0.05% 79.5%
434 ف ر س f-r-s Persia sound 0.05% 79.5%
435 ن ج س n-j-s impurity sound 0.05% 79.6%
436 س ك ن s-k-n residing, silence sound 0.05% 79.6%
437 ه و د h-w-d Judaism hollow 0.05% 79.7%
438 ك ر ه k-r-h hatred sound 0.05% 79.7%
439 د ع م d-‘a-m support sound 0.05% 79.8%
440 ظ ل ل DH-l-l shade geminate 0.05% 79.8%
441 خ و ف kh-w-f fear hollow 0.05% 79.9%
442 ت و ب t-w-b repentance hollow 0.05% 79.9%
443 ض د د D-d-d opposing geminate 0.05% 80.0%
444 ص ف و S-f-w clarity, sincerity defective 0.05% 80.0%
445 ف ه ر س f-h-r-s index quadriliteral 0.05% 80.1%
446 ر غ ب r-gh-b desire, wish sound 0.05% 80.1%
447 ط ر ف T-r-f side sound 0.05% 80.2%
448 م ر ء m-r-’a men, women hamzated 0.05% 80.2%
449 ش ب ه sh-b-h comparison sound 0.05% 80.3%
450 ن و م n-w-m sleep hollow 0.05% 80.3%
451 ث م ن th-m-n value sound 0.05% 80.4%
452 س ل ك s-l-k conduct sound 0.05% 80.4%
453 ص ف ف S-f-f arrangement, characterization geminate 0.05% 80.5%
454 ر ج و r-j-w hope defective 0.05% 80.5%
455 غ ن ي gh-n-y song, wealth defective 0.05% 80.6%
456 ء ذ ن ’a-dh-n (various) hamzated 0.05% 80.6%
457 س و ف s-w-f the future tense, distance hollow 0.05% 80.7%
458 ف ر ض f-r-D imposing, assuming sound 0.05% 80.7%
459 ح ج م H-j-m size sound 0.05% 80.8%
460 ح م ي H-m-y heat, protection defective 0.05% 80.8%
461 ق ع د q-‘a-d (various) sound 0.05% 80.9%
462 ق ط ر q-T-r drops, Qatar sound 0.05% 80.9%
463 خ ط ي kh-T-y mistake defective 0.05% 81.0%
464 خ ت م kh-t-m sealing sound 0.05% 81.0%
465 ن ج م n-j-m stars sound 0.05% 81.1%
466 د ن و d-n-w being low, the world defective 0.05% 81.1%
467 ب ك ر b-k-r being early sound 0.05% 81.2%
468 س ف ر s-f-r travel sound 0.05% 81.2%
469 ر ش د r-sh-d guidance sound 0.05% 81.3%
470 س م ح s-m-H permission sound 0.05% 81.3%
471 ج و ر j-w-r proximity hollow 0.05% 81.4%
472 ب ي ض b-y-D the color white hollow 0.05% 81.4%
473 و س م w-s-m seasons, characterization assimilated 0.05% 81.5%
474 ب ع ث b-‘a-th sending, reviving, delegations sound 0.05% 81.5%
475 ع ذ ر ‘a-dh-r apology sound 0.05% 81.6%
476 ت ر ج م t-r-j-m translation quadriliteral 0.05% 81.6%
477 ف ه م f-h-m understanding sound 0.05% 81.7%
478 ش ر ح sh-r-H explanation sound 0.05% 81.7%
479 س ل ح s-l-H weapon sound 0.05% 81.8%
480 غ ذ و gh-dh-w morning, tomorrow, lunch defective 0.05% 81.8%
481 ش ي ع sh-y-‘a (various) hollow 0.05% 81.9%
482 ص م م S-m-m deafness geminate 0.05% 81.9%
483 ق ي س q-y-s measurement hollow 0.05% 82.0%
484 ح م ر H-m-r the color red, donkey sound 0.05% 82.0%
485 ك س ب k-s-b gaining sound 0.05% 82.1%
486 ح ل ف H-l-f alliance sound 0.05% 82.1%
487 ض ب ط D-b-T control sound 0.05% 82.2%
488 د و ي d-w-y medicine hollow, defective 0.05% 82.2%
489 ه ج م h-j-m attacking sound 0.05% 82.3%
490 ر م ض r-m-D Ramadan sound 0.05% 82.3%
491 ظ ل م DH-l-m injustice, darkness sound 0.05% 82.4%
492 ر ض ع r-D-‘a breastfeeding sound 0.05% 82.4%
493 س ب ل s-b-l way sound 0.05% 82.5%
494 ء ل م ’a-l-m pain hamzated 0.05% 82.5%
495 ل ع ق l-‘a-q spoons, licking sound 0.05% 82.6%
496 ل ب س l-b-s clothing, confusion sound 0.05% 82.6%
497 ش ف ي sh-f-y healing defective 0.04% 82.7%
498 س ن د s-n-d supporting sound 0.04% 82.7%
499 ط ر ح T-r-H throwing, discarding sound 0.04% 82.8%
500 ر ب ح r-b-H profit sound 0.04% 82.8%