Click on selected rows to see the roots' most common words.

The Arabic Business and Management Corpora was assembled by Dr. Mo El-Haj in 2016, and consists of 1,200 texts containing roughly 169,000 words. It is available for download here. The texts are divided into three categories: statements by the executives of Arab companies, news articles about the economy, and news articles about the stock market.

Due to the relatively smaller size of this corpus, only the 100 most common roots (as opposed to 500 for other corpora) of the Arabic Business and Management Corpora are displayed here:

Rank Root Trans. Usually denotes Root type Frequency Cumulative freq.
1 ع م ل ‘a-m-l work sound 2.19% 2.19%
2 ش ر ك sh-r-k participation, company sound 1.56% 3.75%
3 د و ل d-w-l state hollow 1.41% 5.16%
4 ع د د ‘a-d-d number, counting geminate 1.36% 6.52%
5 ج م ع j-m-‘a gathering sound 1.08% 7.6%
6 ك و ن k-w-n being, existence hollow 1.0% 8.60%
7 د و ر d-w-r turn, role hollow 0.99% 9.59%
8 س و ق s-w-q market, driving hollow 0.97% 10.5%
9 ق ط ع q-T-‘a cutting sound 0.97% 11.5%
10 خ ل ل kh-l-l during, disturbance geminate 0.96% 12.4%
11 ع و م ‘a-w-m year hollow 0.95% 13.4%
12 ص ن ع S-n-‘a production sound 0.9% 14.3%
13 ب ي ن b-y-n (various) hollow 0.89% 15.2%
14 س ه م s-h-m share, arrows sound 0.85% 16.0%
15 ق ب ل q-b-l (various) sound 0.84% 16.9%
16 ق ص د q-S-d economy, intentions sound 0.81% 17.7%
17 ث م ر th-m-r investment sound 0.8% 18.5%
18 ح و ل H-w-l trying, transforming hollow 0.78% 19.3%
19 ن م و n-m-w growth defective 0.76% 20.0%
20 ر ء س r-’a-s head hamzated 0.76% 20.8%
21 خ د م kh-d-m serving, using sound 0.75% 21.5%
22 ت م م t-m-m completion geminate 0.75% 22.3%
23 و ز ر w-z-r ministers assimilated 0.74% 23.0%
24 ب ن ي b-n-y children defective 0.74% 23.8%
25 س ي ح s-y-H flowing, tourism hollow 0.69% 24.5%
26 ن ت ج n-t-j results, output sound 0.68% 25.1%
27 ق و ل q-w-l speaking hollow 0.68% 25.8%
28 ن س ب n-s-b relation sound 0.68% 26.5%
29 ر ف ع r-f-‘a raising sound 0.67% 27.2%
30 ن ط ق n-T-q pronouncing sound 0.66% 27.8%
31 خ ص ص kh-S-S special, expertise geminate 0.66% 28.5%
32 ع ل م ‘a-l-m knowledge sound 0.64% 29.1%
33 س ل ط ن s-l-T-n sultans quadriliteral 0.63% 29.8%
34 ب ل غ b-l-gh reaching, attaining sound 0.62% 30.4%
35 ز ر ع z-r-‘a farming sound 0.61% 31.0%
36 ت ج ر t-j-r commerce sound 0.6% 31.6%
37 و ل ي w-l-y being in charge, following assimilated, defective 0.58% 32.2%
38 ش ر ع sh-r-‘a (various) sound 0.58% 32.7%
39 ك ب ر k-b-r being big sound 0.57% 33.3%
40 م و ل m-w-l money hollow 0.57% 33.9%
41 س ع ر s-‘a-r price sound 0.57% 34.5%
42 ق د م q-d-m (various) sound 0.54% 35.0%
43 ح ل ل H-l-l (various) geminate 0.54% 35.5%
44 ع ر ب ‘a-r-b Arab sound 0.52% 36.1%
45 ق و م q-w-m (various) hollow 0.52% 36.6%
46 ه م م h-m-m importance, concern geminate 0.52% 37.1%
47 ز ي د z-y-d increasing hollow 0.51% 37.6%
48 و ح د w-H-d the number one, unity assimilated 0.5% 38.1%
49 ب ر م ج b-r-m-j program quadriliteral 0.49% 38.6%
50 ع م ن ‘a-m-n Oman, Amman sound 0.48% 39.1%
51 س ع د s-‘a-d happiness, help sound 0.48% 39.6%
52 ء خ ر ’a-kh-r following, other, last hamzated 0.47% 40.0%
53 ن ظ م n-DH-m organization sound 0.47% 40.5%
54 ك ل ل k-l-l every, all geminate 0.47% 41.0%
55 ض ي ف D-y-f guest hollow 0.45% 41.4%
56 ع ل و ‘a-l-w being high or exalted defective 0.45% 41.9%
57 س و ي s-w-y being straight or level hollow, defective 0.44% 42.3%
58 و ص ل w-S-l arriving assimilated 0.44% 42.7%
59 د ر ب d-r-b training, path sound 0.44% 43.2%
60 ج ل س j-l-s sitting sound 0.43% 43.6%
61 ح ك م H-k-m power, judging sound 0.43% 44.0%
62 ق ي م q-y-m values hollow 0.43% 44.5%
63 و ط ن w-T-n nations, citizenship assimilated 0.43% 44.9%
64 ك ث ر k-th-r plentifulness sound 0.43% 45.3%
65 ج و ل j-w-l wandering, area hollow 0.42% 45.8%
66 خ ل ف kh-l-f difference, following sound 0.42% 46.2%
67 ي و م y-w-m days assimilated, hollow 0.41% 46.6%
68 م ث ل m-th-l similarity sound 0.4% 47.0%
69 ق ر ر q-r-r decisions geminate 0.4% 47.4%
70 ط و ر T-w-r development hollow 0.39% 47.8%
71 و ق ع w-q-‘a location assimilated 0.39% 48.2%
72 غ ي ر gh-y-r difference, negation hollow 0.38% 48.5%
73 ر ك ز r-k-z concentration sound 0.38% 48.9%
74 و ج ه w-j-h faces assimilated 0.38% 49.3%
75 ح ق ق H-q-q truth, rights geminate 0.37% 49.7%
76 ش ك ل sh-k-l formation sound 0.37% 50.0%
77 ع ب ر ‘a-b-r crossing sound 0.37% 50.4%
78 و ض ع w-D-‘a situation, subjects assimilated 0.36% 50.8%
79 و ف ر w-f-r abundance assimilated 0.36% 51.1%
80 م د د m-d-d extent geminate 0.35% 51.5%
81 ء س س ’a-s-s founding geminate, hamzated 0.35% 51.8%
82 ط ل ب T-l-b requesting, demanding sound 0.35% 52.2%
83 ب ع ض b-‘a-D some sound 0.34% 52.5%
84 ح م د H-m-d praise sound 0.34% 52.9%
85 ش ه ر sh-h-r month sound 0.33% 53.2%
86 س ل م s-l-m peace, Islam sound 0.33% 53.5%
87 خ ل ج kh-l-j The Gulf sound 0.33% 53.9%
88 ء م ر ’a-m-r prince, ordering hamzated 0.33% 54.2%
89 ص د ر S-d-r putting out, exporting sound 0.33% 54.5%
90 د خ ل d-kh-l entering sound 0.32% 54.8%
91 ه د ف h-d-f goals sound 0.32% 55.2%
92 ح د ث H-d-th event, to happen sound 0.32% 55.5%
93 ج د د j-d-d being new geminate 0.32% 55.8%
94 ع و ن ‘a-w-n aid, assistance hollow 0.32% 56.1%
95 ع ر ض ‘a-r-D (various) sound 0.31% 56.4%
96 ح ي ي H-y-y life geminate, hollow, defective 0.31% 56.7%
97 ب ع د b-‘a-d after, far sound 0.31% 57.0%
98 ف ت ر f-t-r period of time sound 0.31% 57.4%
99 ن ف ذ n-f-dh implementing, penetrating sound 0.3% 57.7%
100 ب ي ع b-y-‘a selling hollow 0.3% 58.0%